Responding to the Call to Pray

Simon and Jenny shared the The Street’s new vision on Sunday, and challenged us that if we’re going to see our church move into all that God has in store for us, we need to be in prayer. If you missed the message please check it out here as it’s a key message for our church.

As you consider how you could increase prayer in your life here are some things you could consider.

Monday morning prayer - 6.30am every Monday at Dan and Hannah’s house.

Start up your own regular prayer meeting with one or two others and let us know so we can put it in the newsletter for others to join.

Come to the next Encounter on Sunday 3rd December, 7.15pm at St Aidan’s

Come to the next Eastern suburbs prayer time on Sunday 12th November, 7-8pm at Gateway Baptist

Catch up with someone for a walk/run and pray as you go

Use your current rhythms of prayer and consider if you are praying Elijah-like prayers - Big, whole-hearted, faith-filled, persistent prayers.

Jonathan R Seaton