

We’re a church that gathers in Wellington’s eastern suburbs.

We’d love to see you on Sunday at The Chapel, St Patrick's College, 581 Evans Bay Parade, Kilbirnie. Our church service begins at 10am, please join us for morning tea afterwards.

To find out more about becoming a part of our church community please get in touch east@thestreet.org.nz.
We’d love to get to know you!

Follow us on Instagram @thestreetchurcheast.


Our Story

On 25th February 2018, after months of gathering in living rooms to pray for the eastern suburbs of Wellington, we launched "East" as a location of The Street Church. The Street had become a large regional church that people traveled to, and our conviction was that as a church we needed to be more accessible to people. We are playing our part in this by serving the eastern suburbs of Wellington.

Our mission, like every location of The Street is "Helping people become total followers of Jesus Christ". We want to do this in such a way that if East ceased to exist, our community would notice. We want to make a difference in our neighbourhoods, workplaces, families and friendship groups.

Our church is not just a service on a Sunday, we are whānau. We want to be a group of people who love others like Jesus asked us to. We believe that as we do this, every person has a part to play.

We'd love you to join us!

Location Pastors
Dan & Hannah Silvester

Stay up to date

East first service, 25th February 2018.


Latest Sermon



Follow us on Instagram: @thestreetchurcheast