What will it take?

Yesterday, I was in a prayer meeting in Australia with lots of other church-planters, disciple-makers and Pete Greig from 24/7 Prayer. We cried out to God for the meeting that was happening between Benjamin Netanyahu and Joe Biden. I came out so faith-filled that our prayers had shifted something in the Middle East that it made me want to check the news. I truly believe that prayer can change our world. That calling out to a supernatural God can result in real-world answers.

I am usually a very active person. However, I recently broke my ankle, so all I can really do is sit or kneel. Read, write and speak. Then, last night in my hurry out of an Uber, I left my glasses behind, so I can’t even read or write (I am writing this hurriedly at 3am in a hotel bathroom so as not to wake Jenny and before my eyes get too blurry). I just woke in the middle of the night, wondering what I would do until I can get my glasses back, and I felt the Spirit say this… ‘You can still pray.’

This is my journey with God. A painful journey to help me realise that when all I can do is kneel and pray, I can still change the world. When my usual activities and abilities are taken from me, one of the most powerful things I can do is still there. What will it take for you to realise that too?

Much love,

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