
I Am



Discovering Jesus in the Gospel of John
There is no one else in all eternity capable of describing themselves as Jesus does — He is forever, simply and profoundly, “I AM”. In his gospel, John helps us understand who Jesus is. The other three gospels are biographical, telling what Jesus did and the impact he made on the world. John goes theological - he explores who Jesus is with stunning metaphors that demand worship and surrender.

I AM, Part 37: Follow Me // Matt Rowan

April 08, 2018 - Matt Rowan

The end of the I AM series is an opportunity to put what we’ve learned about Jesus into practice. To not just believe in him but to follow.

I AM, Part 37: Follow Me // Rochelle Jackson

April 08, 2018 - Rochelle Jackson

The end of the I AM series is an opportunity to put what we’ve learned about Jesus into practice. To not just believe in him but to follow.

I AM, Part 37: Follow Me // Jerram Watts

April 08, 2018 - Jerram Watts

The end of the I AM series is an opportunity to put what we’ve learned about Jesus into practice. To not just believe in him but to follow.

I AM, Part 36: He Is Risen! // Simon Gill

April 01, 2018 - Simon Gill

John’s intention is that through his gospel message, we might believe and have life in his name. In this penultimate message of our series in John, we hear from the eyewitnesses who were the first to believe and learn what the resurrection means for our daily lives.

I AM, Part 36: He Is Risen! // Sarah Field

April 01, 2018 - Sarah Field

John’s intention is that through his gospel message, we might believe and have life in his name. In this penultimate message of our series in John, we hear from the eyewitnesses who were the first to believe and learn what the resurrection means for our daily lives.

I AM, Part 35: It Is Finished // Nick Field

March 25, 2018 - Nick Field

There has never been a more emphatic statement made than this one in the final moments of Jesus’ life on earth. Like a painting that is complete, like a bill fully paid, Jesus proclaims that sin has been paid for and the way to God has been made open. “It is finished!”

I AM, Part 35: It Is Finished // Jenny Gill

March 25, 2018 - Jenny Gill

There has never been a more emphatic statement made than this one in the final moments of Jesus’ life on earth. Like a painting that is complete, like a bill fully paid, Jesus proclaims that sin has been paid for and the way to God has been made open. “It is finished!”

I AM, Part 34: Jesus On Trial Before Gentiles // Simon Gill

March 18, 2018 - Simon Gill

During the trial of Jesus before Pilate, it is actually Pilate who is being tried by Jesus. The question at hand is what Pilate believes about Jesus. It’s the same for us. We must decide whether to reject him and send him away or to accept him as our Lord and embrace him wholeheartedly.

I AM, Part 34: Jesus On Trial Before Gentiles // Aidan Meerman

March 18, 2018 - Aidan Meerman

During the trial of Jesus before Pilate, it is actually Pilate who is being tried by Jesus. The question at hand is what Pilate believes about Jesus. It’s the same for us. We must decide whether to reject him and send him away or to accept him as our Lord and embrace him wholeheartedly.

I AM, Part 33: Jesus On Trial Before the Jews // Jenny Gill

March 11, 2018 - Jenny Gill

In John 18:1-27, we see different responses from different characters towards Jesus - from Judas who betrays him, to Peter who denies him. What can we learn from these varying reactions to apply in our relationship with Jesus?

I AM, Part 33: Jesus On Trial Before the Jews // James Rees-Thomas

March 11, 2018 - James Rees-Thomas

In John 18:1-27, we see different responses from different characters towards Jesus - from Judas who betrays him, to Peter who denies him. What can we learn from these varying reactions to apply in our relationship with Jesus?

I AM, Part 32: The Power of Unity // Simon Gill

February 11, 2018 - Simon Gill

Have you ever considered the impact that unity can have on your relationships and the world around you? It's a question that us to reflect on our own experiences of unity and division and to consider the implications of Jesus' prayer for oneness in our lives and communities today.

I AM, Part 31: The Prayer of Jesus // Sarah Field

February 04, 2018 - Sarah Field

Jesus prays for His disciples as He prepares to leave them and return to the Father. He prays that they would be protected from the evil one and that they would be united in mission and purpose, just as He and the Father are united. What can we learn from Jesus' prayer in John 17 about our mission and identity as His followers?

I AM, Part 30: The Glory of God // Nick Field

January 28, 2018 - Nick Field

What is the glory of God, and how does Jesus' prayer in John 17:1-5 reveal it to us? Join us as we explore the concept of God's glory and what it means for us as followers of Christ. We consider how Jesus reveals the glory of God through His life, teachings, and ultimately, His sacrificial death and resurrection.

I AM, Part 29: Sorrow to Joy // Nick Field

December 03, 2017 - Nick Field

How can we find hope and joy in the midst of our sorrows, as Jesus teaches in John 16:16-33? We explore the practical implications of Jesus' promise of joy for our lives and how we can cultivate a deep and abiding trust in God to sustain us through our trials.

I AM, Part 28: No Ordinary Helper // Simon Gill

November 26, 2017 - Simon Gill

How can we experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit's power and presence in our lives, and what difference does it make in our witness and service for Jesus? Join us as we dive into John 15:26-16:15 and discover how Jesus prepares his disciples for the coming of the Advocate, and how the Spirit equips us to live as witnesses and disciples of Christ.

I AM, Part 27: Overcoming Hostility // James Rees-Thomas

November 19, 2017 - James Rees-Thomas

How does the rejection of Jesus and his followers by the world challenge and refine our faith, and what does it mean to follow Jesus in a culture that often opposes him? Join the sermon on John 15:18-25 and explore how Jesus calls us to embrace the way of the cross and count the cost of discipleship, even when it means facing rejection and persecution.

I AM, Part 26: The True Vine // Jerram Watts

November 12, 2017 - Jerram Watts

What does it mean to be connected to Jesus, the true vine, and how does this connection impact our daily lives? Join us as we explore John 15:1-17 and discover how Jesus invites us to abide in him and bear fruit that lasts.

I AM, Part 26: The True Vine // Bryce Williams

November 12, 2017 - Bryce Williams

What does it mean to be connected to Jesus, the true vine, and how does this connection impact our daily lives? Join us as we explore John 15:1-17 and discover how Jesus invites us to abide in him and bear fruit that lasts.

I AM, Part 25: The Promise of the Holy Spirit // Nick Field

November 05, 2017 - Nick Field

Have you ever longed for a deeper and more intimate relationship with God? Join the sermon on John 14:15-21 and discover how Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to know God's love and live a life of joy, peace, and purpose.

I AM, Part 24: How to Solve the Problem of the Heart // Jenny Gill

October 22, 2017 - Jenny Gill

What does it mean to have a "heart problem," and how can we solve it? Join us as Jenny unpacks John 14:1-14 and explores how Jesus addresses the deep longings and fears of the human heart, providing a pathway to wholeness and peace amidst life's struggles and uncertainties.

I AM, Part 23: Love One Another // Daniella Schroder

October 15, 2017 - Daniella Roche

How does Jesus' commandment to love one another in John 13:34-35 serve as a unifying theme throughout his teachings and actions in the Gospel of John? How can we live out this commandment in our own lives today?

I AM, Part 23: Love One Another // Simon Gill

October 15, 2017 - Simon Gill

How does Jesus' commandment to love one another in John 13:34-35 serve as a unifying theme throughout his teachings and actions in the Gospel of John? How can we live out this commandment in our own lives today?

I AM, Part 22: The Paradox of Power // Nick Field

October 08, 2017 - Nick Field

How does Jesus' act of washing the disciples' feet in John 13:1-17 challenge our understanding of power and authority? In what ways can we follow his example of using power for the sake of others rather than ourselves?

I AM, Part 21: Making A Difference // Simon Gill

October 01, 2017 - Simon Gill

How has Jesus made the greatest difference in your life? We unpack John 12:12-50 and consider how we can introduce Him to those around us and help them to encounter His life-transforming love. Simon explores practical ways that we can make a difference in the lives of those around us by following Jesus' example of sacrificial love and service.

I AM, Part 20: Extravagant Love // Josh Isaac

September 17, 2017 - Josh Isaac

Mary's act of pouring expensive perfume on Jesus' feet is a powerful demonstration of her love and devotion to Him. In this message, we explore what it means to love sacrificially and how we can learn from Mary's example. How can we cultivate a heart of love that is willing to give up everything for Jesus?

I AM, Part 20: Extravagant Love // Aidan Meerman

September 17, 2017 - Aidan Meerman

Mary's act of pouring expensive perfume on Jesus' feet is a powerful demonstration of her love and devotion to Him. In this message, we explore what it means to love sacrificially and how we can learn from Mary's example. How can we cultivate a heart of love that is willing to give up everything for Jesus?

I AM, Part 19: The Resurrection and The Life // Simon Gill

September 10, 2017 - Simon Gill

How did Jesus reveal Himself to be greater than the expectations of those around Him in John 11:1-44? This passage offers several different perspectives from various characters surrounding the miracle of Lazarus' resurrection. Each of these characters had different experiences, expectations, and beliefs about Jesus, and their reactions to the miracle offer unique insights into our own encounters with Jesus.

I AM, Part 18: Beyond Scepticism // James Rees-Thomas

September 03, 2017 - James Rees-Thomas

Have you ever struggled with doubt or uncertainty about your faith? Join us for a message on John 10:22-42, where Jesus addresses those who are sceptical of his claims. By examining Jesus' response to those who doubted him, we will gain insight into how to handle our own doubts and how to navigate conversations with others who are sceptical of our faith.

I AM, Part 17: The Shepherd, The Thief, and The Hired Hand // Nick Field

August 27, 2017 - Nick Field

Are you willing to lay down your life for the sake of the sheep? Jesus, the Great Shepherd, did. But what does it mean for us as His followers? Join us as we dive into John 10:1-21 and discover the sacrificial love of the true shepherd.

I AM, Part 16: A Fresh Perspective // Nick Field

August 20, 2017 - Nick Field

When the blind man received his sight, he saw the world in a completely new way. In the same way, when we encounter Jesus, he can change our perspective and help us see the world in a whole new light. Join us as we dive into John 9:1-41 and discover how Jesus can transform the way we see and interact with the world around us.

I AM, Part 15: Living In Light Of Eternity // Simon Gill

August 13, 2017 - Simon Gill

How can we live in light of eternity, and how can our belief in Jesus shape our priorities and actions in this life? Simon dives into John 8:21-59 and explores how our belief in eternity should motivate us to prioritise our relationship with Jesus and share the gospel with others.

I AM, Part 14: Shining In The Darkness // Simon Gill

August 06, 2017 - Simon Gill

How can we, as a church, walk in the light of Jesus as we engage with culture? Simon dives into John 8:12 and explores the idea that, as Christians, we are called to be a light in the world and to engage with culture in meaningful ways. We examine how Jesus is the light of the world and how we can follow His example by sharing the gospel message in a relevant and meaningful way to our culture.

I AM, Part 13: Filling Up On The Right Stuff // Nick Field

July 30, 2017 - Nick Field

What are you filling yourself up with in life? Are you choosing to be filled with the Spirit of God, or the things of this world? Join us as Nick unpacks John 7 and explores the role of hunger and thirst in our spiritual lives, and how we can cultivate a deeper desire for God and His presence.

I AM, Part 12: Satisfying Our Deepest Hunger // Nick Field

July 23, 2017 - Nick Field

John 6:25-59 shows how the crowd was seeking Jesus for more physical bread, but Jesus offered them Himself as the true bread of life. This sermon can explore how we can choose Jesus over false identities, finding our true identity and worth in Him.

I AM, Part 11: Jesus' Greatest Hits // Simon Gill

July 16, 2017 - Simon Gill

John 6:1-24 includes two of Jesus' most well-known miracles: feeding the 5,000 and walking on water. Simon explores how these miracles demonstrate Jesus' power and authority as the Great I AM and how they can inspire us to trust in Him.

I AM, Part 10: Finding Rest In A Restless World // Simon Gill

July 09, 2017 - Simon Gill

Are you tired of the chaos and turmoil of this world? Discover how Jesus offers true rest for our souls, even in the midst of life's challenges.

I AM, Part 9: Do You Want To Get Well? // Aidan Meerman

July 02, 2017 - Aidan Meerman

Are you struggling with a physical or emotional ailment? Hear Jesus' question to the man at the pool of Bethesda and discover how his power can bring wholeness to our brokenness.

I AM, Part 8: Breaking Down Barriers // Jenny Gill

June 25, 2017 - Jenny Gill

What barriers do we create that keep us from sharing the love of Christ with others? Discover how Jesus broke down cultural and societal barriers to reach the woman at the well.

I AM, Part 7: John Testifies Again // Simon Gill

June 18, 2017 - Simon Gill

What does it mean to truly believe in Jesus, and how can we follow John the Baptist's example in John 3:22-36? Join us as we explore how to deepen our faith and live lives of purpose and meaning.

I AM, Part 6: For God So Loved // Nick Field

June 04, 2017 - Nick Field

How can one experience true transformation and eternal life? Join us as we explore the famous encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus in John 3:1-21.

I AM, Part 5: Cleansing The Temple // Sarah Field

May 28, 2017 - Sarah Field

How can we cleanse our hearts and restore true worship in our lives? Join us in John 2:13-25 as we explore the significance of Jesus cleansing the temple.

I AM, Part 4: From Water To Wine // Simon Gill

May 21, 2017 - Simon Gill

How can the story of Jesus' first miracle at the wedding in Cana help us deepen our faith and relationship with God?

I AM, Part 3: The Art Of Disciple-Making // Nick Field

May 14, 2017 - Nick Field

How did Jesus call his first disciples and what can we learn from their encounter? Tune in as we explore John 1:35-51 to find out!

I AM, Part 2: Start With Jesus // Nick Field

May 07, 2017 - Nick Field

We dive into John 1:14-34 and explore what it means that Jesus is the Word made flesh and how we can experience his grace and truth in our lives today.

I AM, Part 1: The Word Became Flesh // Nick Field

April 30, 2017 - Nick Field

How can John 1:1-13 transform your understanding of who Jesus truly is?