
Now Through The Church



Join us as we explore the book of Ephesians and discover how to move forward in faith. This powerful message, more like a sermon than a letter, inspires and encourages the church to fulfil its mission as the conduit of the message of Jesus. We’ll discover the depth of this mission, the power to accomplish it, and how to live in light of it.

Now Through The Church, Part 22: Prayer that Perseveres // Simon Gill

March 12, 2017 - Simon Gill

In this message, we'll focus on the call to pray "at all times in the Spirit," as mentioned in verse 18. How can we develop a consistent and persistent prayer life, and what are the benefits of persevering in prayer?

Now Through The Church, Part 21: In the Ring // Simon Gill

March 05, 2017 - Simon Gill

When you step into the ring, you come up against someone intent on harming you and taking you out. The work Christians do is in the context of a battle. Join us as we explore the importance of relying on God's strength and wisdom as we face the enemy. How can we be empowered by the Holy Spirit to overcome the powers of darkness?

Now Through The Church, Part 20: Workplace Relationships // James Rees-Thomas

February 26, 2017 - James Rees-Thomas

The gospel gives us a new perspective on our work. Join us as we explore how our faith in Christ should impact our work ethic and the way we approach our jobs. How can we view our work as a means of serving Christ and making Him known to those around us?

Now Through The Church, Part 19: Parent/Child Relationships // Nick & Sarah Field

February 12, 2017 - Nick Field,Sarah Field

In this message, Nick and Sarah explore the timeless principles found in Ephesians 6:1-4 for raising children in the Lord. How can we cultivate an environment of grace, love, and discipline in our homes, and what are some practical ways we can apply these principles to our parenting?

Now Through The Church, Part 18: Marriage Relationships // Nick & Sarah Field

February 05, 2017 - Nick Field,Sarah Field

Nick and Sarah explore the profound mystery of marriage and how it reflects the relationship between Christ and the church. How can we honour God in our marriages and reflect His love and grace to the world, and what are some practical ways we can do this in our relationships?

Now Through The Church, Part 17: Filled with the Spirit // Jerram Watts

November 13, 2016 - Jerram Watts

Jerram looks at how we can be filled with the Holy Spirit and experience the joy and peace that comes from a deep relationship with Christ. What are some practical ways we can invite the Holy Spirit to work in our lives?

Now Through The Church, Part 16: Pursuing Holiness // Nick Field

November 06, 2016 - Nick Field

Pursuing holiness can be difficult in a world that often values darkness. In this sermon, we'll explore what it means to live in the light of Christ and reflect His holiness in our lives.

Now Through The Church, Part 15: A Shift In Perspective // Jenny Gill

October 23, 2016 - Jenny Gill

Have you ever found yourself stuck in old patterns of thinking or behaviour? Join us as we explore how the passage in Ephesians 4:25-5:2 encourages us to embrace a new perspective, letting go of the old and embracing the new. What does it mean to "put off" the old self and "put on" the new self? How can we practically apply this to our daily lives?

Now Through The Church, Part 14: From Futility to Fruitfulness // James Rees-Thomas

October 16, 2016 - James Rees-Thomas

Living a life of purpose and significance is something we all desire, but it can be easy to get caught up in the pursuit of things that ultimately don't matter. In this sermon, we explore how we can move beyond futile living and embrace a life of purpose and meaning. How can we align our lives with God's plan and discover the unique calling He has placed on our lives?

Now Through The Church, Part 13: Your Church Needs You // Simon Gill

October 09, 2016 - Simon Gill

Do you ever wonder how you fit into your church community? In this sermon, we'll explore how each of us has unique gifts and talents that we can use to strengthen the body of Christ. What are your spiritual gifts, and how can you use them to serve others in your church community? How can we encourage one another to use our gifts to build up the body of Christ?

Now Through The Church, Part 12: Growing In Maturity // Nick Field

October 02, 2016 - Nick Field

Do you ever feel like you're not growing in your faith as quickly as you'd like? In this sermon, we'll examine how God desires us to grow in maturity and become more like Christ. How do using our spiritual gifts, embracing leadership roles, and being part of a supportive church community contribute to our growth in maturity?

Now Through The Church, Part 11: Living Worthy // Nick Field

September 25, 2016 - Nick Field

What does it mean to live a life worthy of our calling as followers of Christ? In this sermon, we'll explore how God calls us to walk in humility, gentleness, patience, and love towards one another. How can we cultivate these character traits in our daily lives and relationships? How does living in a worthy manner reflect God's love and grace to the world?

Now Through The Church, Part 10: Immeasurably More // Nick Field

September 18, 2016 - Nick Field

Do you ever feel like you've settled for less than what God has for you? In this sermon, we'll explore how God wants to do immeasurably more in and through our lives than we can ask or imagine. What holds us back from asking God for more? How can we cultivate a deeper faith and trust in His ability to provide and exceed our expectations?

Now Through The Church, Part 9: God's Marvellous Plan // Simon Gill

September 11, 2016 - Simon Gill

What does it mean for us to be the church, both individually and corporately? In this sermon, we'll explore how God empowers us through the Holy Spirit to be agents of His love and grace in the world. How can we be intentional in living out our faith in our workplaces, schools, and communities? How does the church's witness to the world impact our ability to share the gospel message with others?

Now Through The Church, Part 8: Reconciliation In Action // Nick Field

September 04, 2016 - Nick Field

What does it mean to be reconciled to God and to one another? In this sermon, we'll explore how Jesus Christ broke down the dividing walls of hostility between Jews and Gentiles, and how his death and resurrection offer us a path towards reconciliation with God and with one another. What are some practical steps we can take to build bridges with those who are different from us? How does the power of reconciliation reflect God's heart for all people?

Now Through The Church, Part 7: Saved By Grace // Simon Gill

August 28, 2016 - Simon Gill

What does it mean to be saved by grace and not by our own works or efforts? In this sermon, we'll explore the transformative power of God's grace in our lives and how it empowers us to live out His purposes. How does knowing that we are God's masterpiece change the way we see ourselves and others? How can we actively live out the good works that God has prepared for us?

Now Through The Church, Part 6: From Death to Life // Simon Gill

August 21, 2016 - Simon Gill

Join us as we explore the journey from death to life and how it can impact the life of the Church. Together, we'll discuss what it means to be dead in our sins and how God, in His great mercy, has made us alive in Christ. We consider how this transformation should impact our priorities, values, and relationships.

Now Through The Church, Part 5: Rich In Christ // Bruce Read

August 07, 2016 - Bruce Read

We explore how we can tap into the incredible spiritual riches available to us through our relationship with Christ. As we examine the power of Christ's resurrection and the authority He has over all things, we'll discover how we can walk in a new level of confidence and purpose. Join us as we learn how to live fully in the abundance that is available to us in Christ.

Now Through The Church, Part 4: Sealed // Nick Field

July 31, 2016 - Nick Field

What does it mean to be sealed by the Holy Spirit, and how does this truth impact the way we live our lives? Join us as we dive deeper into this concept and discover how it can transform our understanding of our identity and purpose in Christ.

Now Through The Church, Part 3: Redeemed // Sarah Field

July 24, 2016 - Sarah Field

We'll explore Ephesians 1:7-10 and the powerful concept of redemption through Jesus Christ. Together, we'll consider the cost of our salvation and the great love that inspired Christ's sacrifice. As we reflect on this truth, we'll be challenged to live lives of deep gratitude and devotion to our Saviour.

Now Through The Church, Part 2: Chosen // Simon Gill

July 17, 2016 - Simon Gill

Join us as we explore how God has chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world and how this truth should impact our understanding of our identity and purpose.

Now Through The Church, Part 1: Intro // Simon Gill

July 10, 2016 - Simon Gill

Simon launches into a brand new series called Now Through The Church as we discover what it means to be the church today.