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Lunch Buddies!

Lunch buddies is an idea to help connect the people of Mt Vic and Night by having each other over for lunch!

Sign up to either HOST a group at your place, or sign up to JOIN and have lunch at someone else’s place on either Sunday 12th or 19th February.  Sign up here!

As a HOSTER you will

  • Make contact with the JOINERS once we pair you up. 

  • Provide lunch at your place.

As a JOINER you will 

  • Bring drinks or dessert to lunch. 

If you are in a flat or live alone, sign up in a group of 3 or 4, otherwise sign up as a household. 

Tyler or Anna will email you in early Feb connecting HOSTERS and JOINERS.  Sign up closes Friday 3rd Feb. 

Happy lunching!