Devoted To His House


Devoted To His House, Part 4: My Life Will Grow As I Am Planted In God's House // Josie Carson

You'll begin to flourish as you plant yourself in God's House.

Devoted To His House, Part 3: Every Person Has A Part To Play In The Body Of Christ // Nadine Neale

The Church is not built on the talents of a few but on the sacrifice of many.

Devoted To His House, Part 2: I Love My Church As Jesus Does // Faiyeung Szeto

The Church is God's plan on earth. We can develop a heart like Jesus for the Church.

Devoted To His House, Part 1: The Church Is All About God and People // Natasha Polglase

We start a new mini-series looking at the church. Natasha explores the concept of the Church as Christ's family on Earth, a loving community united by their shared love for God and His people.

Andrea Muller30-1