CAP Hampers 2022

CAP Hampers 2022

The CAP Hampers this year will be almost the same as last year

  1. $50 voucher for The Warehouse

  2. Handwritten Card

  3. Treat Box to the value of $50 - please wrap each item

Boxes will be available at your local service or the church office. The idea is to put in it some 'goodies' that you wouldn't ordinarily buy, to give to a client for Christmas. Wrap each item individually, and place it in the box along with the card and voucher. 

The changes this year are that we won't be wrapping the outside of the box, just the presents inside. Also, where possible we will have the boxes coded so you have a better idea of what to provide. This will be as follows: SM - single male, SF -single female, C - Couple, F- family. There will be some G  (Generic) as we need a few non-specific. 


The idea is to spark some joy for the client with a few luxury items. Who doesn't like to receive a wrapped parcel, and have no idea what is inside? This is not supposed to be an Emergency Food Parcel, but something memorable and encouraging.

 Points to note:

  • No alcohol, although other beverages are fine.

  • No money

  • Nothing perishable.


Last 2 weeks of October: Empty boxes available for collection

Last 2 weeks of November: Filled boxes to be returned to your location.

Collect and return boxes to your location or the Life Centre on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9 am to 4 pm.

We hope you have fun putting this together, and we value the prayers that you offer up for the client you are blessing. 

Any queries, please get in touch.

Merrie Reddington

Guest UserNight, City