Children's Ministry Intern

Leadership development is an important part of how we make disciples. Multiplying leaders ensures the ministry of the future is equipped to thrive.

We are excited to welcome Em Napier to the staffing team as an intern for 2025. Em will work with Geneva and Emma in the Central Children's Team.

Hi, I’m Em and I’ve been a member of The Street Church for 7 years, serving as Mt Vic’s Children’s Ministry Local Lead for the last 17 months. Originally born in England, I have called Wellington my home for 29 years and love exploring the great outdoors here and around New Zealand on foot and bike. For the last 18 years I have been blessed to be a stay-at-home mum/home-schooling mum, a journey which brought both my son and I to our faith in Jesus.

As a child I heard Bible stories but I wasn’t encouraged to explore faith any further. After decades of mental health struggles, I finally found my worth and joy in the Lord and these life experiences have given me the passion to share our greatest treasure with children so that they can experience the fullness of life with God from an early age.

I’m looking forward to learning about and contributing to the Central Children’s Ministry’s work and growing in my faith this year through the opportunities that God provides.

Mel LienertAll