East Christmas services

Christmas is rapidly approaching and this year, rather than one special production service, we are spreading the joy and fun of Christmas across 4 weeks. Watch this space for more information coming next week, including fliers for you to invite your friends, family, neighbours and colleagues to join in this special build up to Christmas.

It’s only 3 weeks until the first service on 27th November, and each service (27 Nov, 4 Dec, 11 Dec, 18 Dec) will be 1 hour long with games, carols, food and lots of Christmas cheer! But we need your help to pull it off!

If you are available to help with any of the following please get in touch:

Preparing props to decorate the church: Wrapping boxes and other crafty things (In the lead up to 27 November)

Setting up the decorations before the service on each of those Sundays (8.45am each week)

Preparing food - cooking Christmas ham, baking brownies or fruit mince pies, barbecuing sausages

General help with things we haven’t thought of yet!

If you can help with any of these things, please email us as soon as you can so we can get cracking!

Jonathan R Seaton