How’s your joy?

I’m not known for joy. Enthusiasm, yes. Passion, plenty. Positivity, sure. Joy? Um… not so much. I love Jesus and I do see spiritual growth. I just don’t see much joy.

In John Mark Comer’s The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (disclaimer, I only went through the 5 day You Version reading plan rather than the actual book it’s based on), he shows how core fruits of the Spirit like love, joy and peace are incompatible with hurry and busyness.

Oh the moment of realisation. I wonder if you can relate. Could it really be that I don’t experience joy because I am just so busy?

I’m always looking ahead, looking forward to the next thing, planning for how to improve things. I also love history and the nostalgia of the past. But the past is gone and the things I hope for in the future may never happen. John Mark’s point is that if we never really engage in the present, we can’t actually experience joy because this moment right now is the only moment we can actually be present in.

While I’m not cured, I do have some tangible things I can do and if you’re struggling for joy maybe you can join me.

Firstly, I try to start each day writing 3 things that I am deeply grateful for. It forces me to stop and focus on the positive things. I realise that even on the darkest days, I can be grateful for something. If you try it, you’ll be amazed at the number of good things that you would have forgotten ever existed had you not taken the time to notice.

Secondly, I make time for small moments of silence. It can be as simple as setting the timer on my watch for 5 minutes and sitting in silence, inviting the Holy Spirit to come. It can also be actually stopping and enjoying a cup of coffee with no device or conversation. Just being present in the moment and appreciating it for what it is.

Maybe you can think of another way.

One thing is for sure, our culture is not going to help us slow down. Only we can make a choice to pull out and pause. Could it be that our busyness is more destructive to our spiritual growth than we’ve realised. I wonder what you can do today to allow God to work more joy into your life?

Much love,

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