Me and Jesus

Sometimes you have to hear something several times before it actually sinks in. I had that experience a couple of weeks ago when the Harneys were with us. I heard Kevin and Sherry speak about seven times in different venues over that week. I heard them say something several times before it finally sunk in. “There’s more to discipleship than me and Jesus.”

I know this. I’ve known this for a long time. And yet I suddenly realised we have inadvertently fallen into the trap of ‘me and Jesus’ language. For example, I’ve encouraged people towards Life Group so many times by saying that it’s a great place to get connected and find an environment where you can grow. It all sounds so nice but it’s also deeply flawed.

Augustine spoke of sin as someone curved in on themselves. Jesus is the opposite. God so loved the world - not himself - that he gave his Son (John 3:16). When we follow Jesus we turn from serving self. We allow God to restore us towards the ultimate goal that we would love God with everything we are and love others as ourselves. This is surely what it means to be fully like Jesus.

As we grow to live more like this, we create the environment in which others can thrive. If we all approached church community in this way, we would inadvertently create the best environment for us to grow too - not by focusing inwards but through everyone focusing outwards. This aligns with the maturing church in Ephesians 4 where the body builds itself up in love as each part does its work (Eph 4:15-16).

So here’s the challenge today. Do you have someone who is helping you to grow in your love for God and for others? If not, who is further along than you who you could ask? But then, who are you helping to grow? As you step out in this endeavour, God will use it to grow you too.

Much love,

This post is part of the Senior Pastor’s weekly blog. Go to the blog feed >>