New Youth Pastor!

We are thrilled to share some exciting news for our Youth and Intermediate age ministry!

God has certainly gone before us and provided abundantly as we welcome Peter Crosson as our new Youth Pastor. Pete has a strong sense of calling to this role and is passionate about discipling and leading young people. He brings valuable experience, currently serving as a Youth Pastor in Island Bay and in wider Youth Ministry over a number of years. We are excited to see how God will work through him alongside both the Squad and Massive teams, and also as he works alongside our Locations to see our young people becoming multiplying disciple-makers.

Pete is currently finishing up his university studies and wrapping up a part-time youth role at another church, which he will continue until the end of the year. In the meantime, Jenny, Piper, and the rest of the team have a great plan in place to keep things running smoothly until Pete can join us full time.

We look forward to the future of our youth ministry and are confident that it is in good hands. If you have any questions or would like more information, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Jonathan Harkeseast