Reflections from Sunday

Last weekend we began a conversation as a church about sexuality and gender. The purpose of the talk was to posture ourselves in a particular way so that we can continue to learn and follow Jesus together. I have been humbled and amazed this week at how God is using the talk. It has had a far broader impact than I expected and I have been deeply moved by the stories and reflections people have shared.

I thought you may appreciate hearing some of the things I’m reflecting on in response to what I’m hearing.

There is hunger for clarity
To my shame, I expected some people to push back strongly because of how counter-cultural a Biblical worldview is. The opposite has been true. Instead I am hearing gratitude at the clarity that a fuller understanding of Scripture brings. This is actually something we should expect given how Jesus says that living in line with his teaching means we will know the truth and the truth will set us free (John 8:31-32). For the sake of people’s freedom, we have to be courageous enough to ground ourselves in Biblical truth.

Humility is disarming
I think one of the reasons the message was received with gratitude is because we were willing to apologise and acknowledge that every single one of us finds ourselves equal in our need for Jesus. A humble tone helps people to listen to what God has to say. I am learning that it is possible to be courageous with the truth without compromising a posture of humility.

Listening and learning
I know this was a core part of the message but it’s worth reiterating. I can’t give you a comprehensive answer of what it means to live our lives as people created male and female. I know it is an intrinsic part of the way we bear God’s image and yet it has become so tangled up with sex-based stereotypes. Untangling these two together both Biblically and humbly will take time.

As you reflect on the message from Sunday, is there anything that might need to change in the way you interact with others who are struggling in a way that maybe you never have or will? Who could you make space to listen to this week? Let’s not be a church that pushes away, but one that draws all people in toward Jesus. Can we continue this journey together, in humility, grace and truth.

Much love,

This post is part of the Senior Pastor’s weekly blog. Go to the blog feed >>

Andrea MullerSPblog, City, East, Night