Set Up and Pack Down on Sundays
Did you know we have an amazing set up team that get all the AV equipment set up each week? The team has dwindled down to only 6 people, and a few of them are going to be away over the next few months, so we are in desperate need of a couple more people to join the team.
It involves arriving at 8am to help get the screens and speakers set up at the front of the church. Usually, you’ll be done by about 8.45, and you’d be free to go home and come back for the start of the service. You then need to stay and help pack down at the end which is normally done by 12. You don’t need to be a weight lifter, but you do need to be physically able and able to lift things - male or female!
Please get in touch if you’re able to go on the roster, even if it’s just over the next 3 or 4 months. Email