
Hebrews: A Better Way to Live



In light of the rich theology of Hebrews and our forerunners who lived by faith, what are the things that should characterise our lives? What are the practical implications of all that we have learned? If Jesus is the better way then there is also a better way to live in light of this.

This series acts as a great launch into the new year with all that we have ahead. It will enable us to talk practical about everyday life and shape people’s perspective on their role in church community.

A Better Way To Live, Part 9: The Shepherd Who Equips // Nick Field

March 31, 2019 - Nick Field

For all of the practical direction Hebrews 12 & 13 gives on a better way to live, where do we find the resources to bring about the necessary change? In this final instalment, that’s exactly where the author of the letter finishes - with the shepherd who gives us everything we need to do his will.

A Better Way To Live, Part 9: The Shepherd Who Equips // Jenny Gill

March 31, 2019 - Jenny Gill

For all of the practical direction Hebrews 12 & 13 gives on a better way to live, where do we find the resources to bring about the necessary change? In this final instalment, that’s exactly where the author of the letter finishes - with the shepherd who gives us everything we need to do his will.

A Better Way To Live, Part 8: Persecution & Shame // Daniella Roche

March 24, 2019 - Daniella Roche

A better way to live is not an easy way to live. Like Jesus there will always be an element of being persecuted and marginalised. But when set against the hope of eternity, we realise there’s no other way to live.

A Better Way To Live, Part 8: Persecution & Shame // Nick Field

March 24, 2019 - Nick Field

A better way to live is not an easy way to live. Like Jesus there will always be an element of being persecuted and marginalised. But when set against the hope of eternity, we realise there’s no other way to live.

A Better Way Live, Part 7: Leadership & Doctrine // Matt Rowan

March 24, 2019 - Matt Rowan

Hebrews 13:7-9 asks a thought-provoking question - if I became more like the people in my life, would that be a good thing? The readers of Hebrews had to ask the question about the people they were listening to. As we think about the information we take in on a daily basis, maybe it’s time we asked a similar question. The answers we come up with may be more important than we think.

A Better Way Live, Part 7: Leadership & Doctrine // Simon Gill

March 17, 2019 - Simon Gill

Hebrews 13:7-9 asks a thought-provoking question - if I became more like the people in my life, would that be a good thing? The readers of Hebrews had to ask the question about the people they were listening to. As we think about the information we take in on a daily basis, maybe it’s time we asked a similar question. The answers we come up with may be more important than we think.

A Better Way Live, Part 7: Leadership & Doctrine // Bruce Read

March 17, 2019 - Bruce Read

Hebrews 13:7-9 asks a thought-provoking question - if I became more like the people in my life, would that be a good thing? The readers of Hebrews had to ask the question about the people they were listening to. As we think about the information we take in on a daily basis, maybe it’s time we asked a similar question. The answers we come up with may be more important than we think.

A Better Way To Live, Part 6: Contentment // Nick Field

March 10, 2019 - Nick Field

In a world filled with advertising promising happiness with the next purchase, has there ever been a more important time to consider contentment? So what does it look like to trust God and live free from the love of money?

A Better Way To Live, Part 6: Contentment // Matt Swank

March 10, 2019 - Matt Swank

In a world filled with advertising promising happiness with the next purchase, has there ever been a more important time to consider contentment? So what does it look like to trust God and live free from the love of money?

A Better Way To Live, Part 5: Marriage // Simon & Jenny Gill

March 03, 2019 - Jenny Gill,Simon Gill

If God calls the whole of humanity to honour marriage as something precious, how do we each need to respond? And what does a church look like that helps one another to do that?

A Better Way To Live, Part 5: Marriage // Nick & Sarah Field

March 03, 2019 - Sarah Field,Nick Field

If God calls the whole of humanity to honour marriage as something precious, how do we each need to respond? And what does a church look like that helps one another to do that?

A Better Way To Live, Part 4: Hospitality // Aidan Meerman

February 17, 2019 - Aidan Meerman

Through the way we live, we get to decide what marks us out as a church community. The strong encouragement of Hebrews 13 is that we must let brotherly love continue. In a world hungry for healthy community, our response to this call will mark us out as a gathering that satisfies the hunger.

A Better Way To Live, Part 4: Hospitality // Simon Gill

February 17, 2019 - Simon Gill

Through the way we live, we get to decide what marks us out as a church community. The strong encouragement of Hebrews 13 is that we must let brotherly love continue. In a world hungry for healthy community, our response to this call will mark us out as a gathering that satisfies the hunger.

A Better Way To Live, Part 4: Hospitality // Tom Field

February 17, 2019 - Tom Field

Through the way we live, we get to decide what marks us out as a church community. The strong encouragement of Hebrews 13 is that we must let brotherly love continue. In a world hungry for healthy community, our response to this call will mark us out as a gathering that satisfies the hunger.

A Better Way To Live, Part 3: Reverence and Awe // Jenny Gill

February 10, 2019 - Jenny Gill

Two dramatic mountains. One great God. And when we discover how Jesus reconciles the two, we realise that a better way to live is one of reverence and awe.

A Better Way To Live, Part 3: Reverence and Awe // Matt Swank

February 10, 2019 - Matt Swank

The picture of a runner at the ancient games continues this week with the risk that hardships and suffering makes him want to give up. So what’s a fresh perspective we can take to reinvigorate our journey of following Jesus and ensure that we make it to the finish line? Find out in episode 2 of A Better Way To Live.

A Better Way To Live, Part 2: Keep Running // Simon Gill

February 03, 2019 - Simon Gill

The picture of a runner at the ancient games continues this week with the risk that hardships and suffering makes him want to give up. So what’s a fresh perspective we can take to reinvigorate our journey of following Jesus and ensure that we make it to the finish line? Find out in episode 2 of A Better Way To Live.

A Better Way To Live, Part 2: Keep Running // Nick Field

February 03, 2019 - Nick Field

The picture of a runner at the ancient games continues this week with the risk that hardships and suffering makes him want to give up. So what’s a fresh perspective we can take to reinvigorate our journey of following Jesus and ensure that we make it to the finish line? Find out in episode 2 of A Better Way To Live.

A Better Way To Live, Part 1: Run // Simon Gill

January 27, 2019 - Simon Gill

In light of all we’ve learned in Hebrews and the examples of people who trusted God in the past, what does it look like to follow Jesus in everyday life? Listen in to the first of a 9-part series examining Hebrews 12 & 13 and a better way to live.

A Better Way To Live, Part 1: Run // Nick Field

January 27, 2019 - Nick Field

In light of all we’ve learned in Hebrews and the examples of people who trusted God in the past, what does it look like to follow Jesus in everyday life? Listen in to the first of a 9-part series examining Hebrews 12 & 13 and a better way to live.