Money is a subject people are really private about. At the same time, it’s an important issue that affects many aspects of our lives. This is especially true as the cost of living continues to rise in our country. It’s not a subject we can continue to avoid. After all, Jesus talked about it a lot!
According to Jesus, how we see money and what we do with money are strong indicators of what’s going on in our hearts. It affects the sort of Jesus followers we are becoming. Therefore, we need to take time to talk about money together, understand God’s perspective and encourage one another to honour God with all we have - even our money.
CA$H, Part 3: Hands // Simon Gill
June 18, 2023 - Simon GillToday we talk about the importance of giving, not just in general, but in the context of church. People often want to know what the church believes about tithing, so here's your chance to find out. What we learn is that the most important thing is not an amount but the generosity with which we give.
CA$H, Part 2: Head // Floyd Edwards
June 11, 2023 - Floyd EdwardsIt's hard to listen to Jesus talking about money and not be challenged. They are just so contrary to our culture and the natural desires of my heart. Today we learn that absolutely everything we have is from God and that this needs to shape what we do with money. If you genuinely believed this was true, how might it change how you spend?
CA$H, Part 2: Head // Dan Silvester
June 11, 2023 - Dan SilvesterIt's hard to listen to Jesus talking about money and not be challenged. They are just so contrary to our culture and the natural desires of my heart. Today we learn that absolutely everything we have is from God and that this needs to shape what we do with money. If you genuinely believed this was true, how might it change how you spend?
CA$H, Part 1: Heart // Jerram Watts
June 04, 2023 - Jerram WattsIt's hard to listen to Jesus talking about money and not be challenged. They are just so contrary to our culture and the natural desires of my heart. Today we explore the heart of money and the truth that we can't serve both God and money. What most worries you and what does it say about the desires of your heart?
CA$H, Part 1: Heart // Timothy Teng
June 04, 2023 - Timothy TengIt's hard to listen to Jesus talking about money and not be challenged. They are just so contrary to our culture and the natural desires of my heart. Today we explore the heart of money and the truth that we can't serve both God and money. What most worries you and what does it say about the desires of your heart?