Jonah is the 5th of the 12 minor prophets but the book is more narrative based in line with Elijah and Elisha rather than declaring visions and revelations. That said, it is incredibly prophetic in pointing to Jesus’ burial and the future repentance on Gentiles.
Jonah is also one of the earliest prophets and contemporary with Hosea and Amos. An interesting contrast is that Amos’ message to Israel resulted in no response and ultimately the scattering of the northern kingdom 30 years later; Jonah’s message to Ninevah brought repentance!
Jonah comes during the reign of Jeroboam II, the third in a line of Israel’s kings who did evil before God (see 2 Kings 13-14). In spite of this, God delivered Israel from the Arameans and enabled Israel to expand the territory it had previously lost. This prosperity is not the result of behaviour but God’s sovereign choice to not blot out the name of his people; Israel’s deliverance is therefore a demonstration of his grace. Jonah is recorded as having witnessed this (2 Kings 14:25).
Jonah, Part 3: God's Compassion for All // Bruce Read
February 07, 2016 - Bruce ReadJonah 4 shows us that God's compassion extends to all people, even those we may deem unworthy of it. We explore this theme and learn how to extend grace and compassion to those around us, just as God has extended it to us.
Jonah, Part 2: Jonah's Warning // Simon Gill
January 31, 2016 - Simon GillIn Jonah 3:1-10, we witness the consequences of sin as the people of Nineveh heed Jonah's call to repentance. Sin weighs us down and damages our relationships, separating us from God and causing harm to ourselves and others. Join us as we explore Jonah's warning about the consequences of sin and the transformative power of repentance to bring healing and restoration to our lives.
Jonah, Part 1: Running from God // Aidan Meerman
January 24, 2016 - Aidan MeermanIn Jonah 1:1-2:10, we witness Jonah's attempted escape from God's call, teaching us the importance of trusting God's plan for our lives. Join us as we explore Jonah's faith journey and discover how we can find purpose and meaning by embracing our calling and trusting in God's plan.