Micah brings a series of indictments about the consequences for Israel and Judah about the lack of godly leadership, a lack of care for others, and a general abandonment of values (idolatry) and pursuit of selfishness instead of righteousness. We can identify with this today. God, in His mercy, does not leave them, or us, in our sinfulness, but makes promises of hope and salvation for all who have ears to hear. For people ‘helpless’ in their sin and wickedness, he promises a Shepherd to rescue and protect and guide. For a society led astray into pursuit of false idols and oppression of the poor, he promises judgement and Peace.
Micah, Part 3: The Promised Saviour Is Coming // Julia Nelson
September 25, 2022 - Julia NelsonMicah concludes with indictments about the nation hiding from true 'worship' of God behind rituals and regulations that the people resent and use as excuses to justify their amoral ways. As always, God's faithfulness shines through; the Saviour is coming.
Micah, Part 3: The Promised Saviour Is Coming // Tom Field
September 25, 2022 - Tom FieldMicah concludes with indictments about the nation hiding from true 'worship' of God behind rituals and regulations that the people resent and use as excuses to justify their amoral ways. As always, God's faithfulness shines through; the Saviour is coming.
Micah, Part 2: The Everlasting King Is Coming // Jenny Gill
September 18, 2022 - Jenny GillMicah presents the next case God has against Judah: a lack of Godly leadership. Secular, spiritual (prophets) and military leaders are contrasted with the King (of Kings), who comes from humble roots.
Micah, Part 2: The Everlasting King Is Coming // Dave Elkin
September 18, 2022 - Dave ElkinMicah presents the next case God has against Judah: a lack of Godly leadership. Secular, spiritual (prophets) and military leaders are contrasted with the King (of Kings), who comes from humble roots.
Micah, Part 1: The Good Shepherd Is Coming // Simon Gill
September 11, 2022 - Simon GillThe prophet Micah pronounces God's judgement upon Israel and Judah for their wickedness. There are many parallels to our society today. But God, by his nature, is both holy and full of compassion or living-kindness; and promises to send a shepherd to gather his people.