One Another
We want to be a church constantly learning to love one another like Jesus has loved us. This is the hallmark of Christian community. In fact, the term ‘one another’ comes up around 60 times in the New Testament, so it’s an important theme we’ll continue to revisit again and again.
Loving as Jesus loved us can’t be practiced if church is just an event on Sunday. This has to go deeper than simply a shared faith. This can only be worked out in the intimacy, joy, and mess of real church community as we share our very lives with one another.
One Another, Part 3: Singleness // Simon Gill
September 10, 2023 - Simon GillBoth marriage and singleness come with their unique blessings and challenges, but if we're honest, marriage has been elevated above singleness as something greater, something better, and we've missed the gospel call to honour singleness in the church. We only need to look to Jesus - our saviour was an unmarried virgin who was the most complete human being who ever lived. So how can a church honour and celebrate singleness?
One Another, Part 2: Conflict // Jerram Watts
September 03, 2023 - Jerram WattsIn a world of cancel culture, polarising political debates and cutting remarks, being able to handle conflict with grace, humility, and strength is a rarity. But it's what we are called to as followers of Jesus Christ - and what is Jesus primarily concerned with? Your own heart first, the other person's second.
One Another, Part 1: Hospitality // Jenny Gill
August 27, 2023 - Jenny GillMany people love having friends and family over for a good meal and quality time, but entertaining isn't the same as being hospitable. Scripture defines hospitality as "loving the stranger", something that requires sacrificial love and a deep awareness that we, too, were once strangers from God and have been welcomed into his family with open arms.