Psalms Of Easter
Easter is one of the two most significant celebrations of our calendar. The resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith and the historical moment around which the whole of human history and the story of salvation pivots. Our usual celebration mode leads us straight to the four Gospels, and with good reason. These are the only inerrant accounts of what happened in the passion week. And yet, the themes of Easter were already laid in the history of God and his people. This leads us to the Psalms.
Psalms Of Easter, Part 3: Celebration // Jerram Watts
March 31, 2024 - Jerram WattsWe wrap up our Psalms of Easter series with the final two hymns Jesus would've sung before going to the cross—Psalms 117 and 118. With more rich imagery foreshadowing the cross, these Psalms continue to show how the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was God's plan all along to bring salvation to all nations.
Psalms Of Easter, Part 2: Salvation // Simon Gill
March 24, 2024 - Simon GillIn week two of our Psalms of Easter series, we look at Psalms 115 and 116. One is a song of corporate praise, a song for a community to sing together. The other is a personal song, one for individual reflection. Both look to the wonder and glory of who God is and draw us into deeper worship for what he accomplished at the cross.
Psalms Of Easter, Part 1: Deliverance // Aidan Meerman
March 17, 2024 - Aidan MeermanAs we approach the celebration of Resurrection Sunday, we look at the songs Jesus and his disciples would've sung together at the Last Supper. This week we focus on Psalms 113-114, with references to God's power and humility, and also the Exodus and how it foreshadows the freedom Jesus would bring through the cross.