Rhythms Of Grace
Life is busy. We have huge demands on our time. The world is in chaos. How do we find calm in the storm? How do we remain centred when everything else feels off-kilter? We learn from the Master. Jesus Christ had a demanding three-year ministry where he was pulled in many different directions and yet never burned out or fatigued. In his humanity, Jesus anchored his life with practices that kept him connected to the Father and focused on the mission for which he came.
Rhythms Of Grace, Part 5: Generosity // James Rees-Thomas
February 23, 2025 - James Rees-ThomasJesus' encounter with the rich young ruler is a fascinating insight into the human condition, and the power money has in our lives. Cultivating a generous heart is essential for followers of Jesus. It frees us from the deceitfulness of wealth and shows that we have truly understood the generosity we have received in Christ Jesus.
Rhythms Of Grace, Part 4: Sabbath // Anna Holmes
February 16, 2025 - Anna HolmesSabbath was a pivotal part of the Jewish week. But it had become a burden to the people, policed by the religious rulers. Something that was meant to refresh became oppressive. What was God's intention for his people with a day of rest, and how can we lean into that in 2025?
Rhythms Of Grace, Part 3: Fasting // Jerram Watts
February 09, 2025 - Jerram WattsFasting is one of the most neglected spiritual practices, even as it has become one of the most popular forms of weight control (intermittent fasting anyone?). But what does biblical fasting look like, and why was it important to Jesus? As we see in this week's message, fasting is about longing, hungering for the kingdom of God and His very presence in our lives.
Rhythms Of Grace, Part 2: Hospitality // Rochelle Jackson
February 02, 2025 - Rochelle JacksonHospitality can so often be confused for entertaining friends and enjoying a good meal. The biblical view of hospitality is about showing love to strangers, and Jesus was all about this! More than simply looking to fill hungry stomachs, Jesus came to satisfy hungry and thirsty souls. This is the heart of hospitality.
Rhythms Of Grace, Part 1: Silence & Solitude // Simon Gill
January 26, 2025 - Simon GillIt may surprise many to see how often Jesus escaped the crowds and ignored their clamouring for his attention. Jesus prioritised time with the Father, alone in silence and solitude. As we begin our Rhythms of Grace series, we look at the discipline of silence and solitude and how formational it can be in our discipleship to Jesus.