Where is God in the day-to-day details of our lives? Does He care about my job? Does He care about my disappointments? These are questions we all ask from time to time. We wonder how interested God is in the little things of our lives. Ruth’s is the story of God working away in the unseen, a God who cares about our suffering, who takes an interest in our work, in our character, and in how we treat those around us. God is sovereign over every detail of our lives and weaving it all together for our good and His glory.
Ruth, Part 3: God In The Kindness Of Others // Tom Field
November 26, 2023 - Tom FieldGod is always at work—in our suffering, in the little details of our lives, and always through our interactions with other people. How we treat people matters. Our character matters. As our Ruth series wraps up, we see how God uses the integrity of Boaz and Ruth to bring about his eternal purposes and continue a generational line that links King David to the coming Messiah: Jesus.
Ruth, Part 2: God In The Little Things // Matt Rowan
November 19, 2023 - Matt RowanLife can get tedious at times. The routine of turning up to a tedious desk job or the seemingly endless grind of looking after toddlers—where is God in the little details of my life? It's another of life's questions that is answered in the book of Ruth, where we see Ruth's faithfulness in something as simple as a barley harvest is used by God for much grander purposes.
Ruth, Part 2: God In The Little Things // Simon Gill
November 19, 2023 - Simon GillLife can get tedious at times. The routine of turning up to a tedious desk job or the seemingly endless grind of looking after toddlers—where is God in the little details of my life? It's another of life's questions that is answered in the book of Ruth, where we see Ruth's faithfulness in something as simple as a barley harvest is used by God for much grander purposes.
Ruth, Part 1: God In Our Suffering // Jamie Rodwell
November 12, 2023 - Jamie RodwellWhere is God in my suffering? It's a question many people ask in a moment of weakness or pain - does God see me? Is he really in control here? What good can come from this? The story of Ruth and Naomi as they return to Judah from Moab shows how God is always at work in the unseen, even when it's almost impossible to believe it.