Stories of grace are powerful. Jean Valjean is given a second chance in Les Mis; Batman doesn’t kill The Joker in The Dark Knight, and Clint Eastwood gives his prized car to a young immigrant in Gran Torino—moments of undeserved favour leave us deeply moved, and they should, as the ultimate story of grace originates in the heart of God.
Salvation is the greatest narrative of all time. It is the story of stories. It is the story of the fullest expression of all that God is. It is the story of his grace from beginning to end.
Salvation, Part 4: Glorified // Jerram Watts
November 05, 2023 - Jerram Watts'Glory' is more often associated with sporting achievements than anything else, but it's a word full of hope and expectation in the scriptures. Glory is what awaits us when we breathe our last and are united with God in eternity. This is the final step of salvation, which starts with God and finishes with God. It's His work from beginning to end.
Salvation, Part 3: Sanctified // Aidan Meerman
October 22, 2023 - Aidan MeermanThe Christian life isn't meant to be static; over the course of our lives, we are continually being formed to become more like Jesus in every way. We will all make mistakes. Some days will feel worse than others, but the trajectory is upward as God, by His grace, continues to purify us from sin and makes us look more and more like Jesus.
Salvation, Part 2: Justified // Jenny Gill
October 15, 2023 - Jenny GillWhat actually happens when someone is "saved"? How are they different from the millisecond that preceded this moment of salvation? One of the most important things is that they are declared legally righteous in God's sight. Like a courtroom drama, the judge declares "not guilty" over each follower of Jesus and sets them free to live a new life.
Salvation, Part 1: Predestined // Simon Gill
October 08, 2023 - Simon GillSalvation is the story of God's grace from beginning to end. God came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ to save humanity from sin and its destructive force and give us new life. Salvation doesn't start with us; it starts with God—and He alone knows who will respond to his invitation of grace.