What greater subject of study could there ever be? What could we focus on that could ever have such a profound effect?
We’re setting our sights on God himself. The eternal and almighty God who is beyond compare. It’s a series that will no doubt be informative. It will definitely provoke conversation and may even leave us with more questions than answers. But most of all, it will inevitably lead to worship. We’ll move from awesome wonder to fearful reverence and from loud praise to lost-for-words silence because there is no one in all eternity like Him.
Trinity, Part 6: Into His Image // Matt Swank
March 20, 2022 - Matt SwankToday we focus on the ways in which we are being made to be more like God every day. Love, kindness, goodness, etc. It's a work that God is doing in our lives by grace and it's a work He is faithful to finish. And in this God is restoring and surpassing His original plan to fill the earth with his image-bearers; people made to reflect Him and represent Him throughout the world.
Trinity, Part 5: Infinite and Personal // Simon Gill
March 13, 2022 - Simon GillIt's easy in church to use words like eternal or all-powerful and not let the reality of what they mean really sink in. As we gaze at God afresh today, the hope is that we find ourselves a little more lost for words before the infinite God and a little more amazed that he would make Himself known to us, most extravagantly in the person of Jesus Christ.
Trinity, Part 4: Holy Spirit // Jenny Gill
March 06, 2022 - Jenny GillGod the Holy Spirit, third person of the Trinity. There will be a range of views around the Holy Spirit depending on your background and church experience. While some may be nervous and others highly enthsiastic, this is an opportunity for us to see how indispensable the Spirit is in this journey of following Jesus.
Trinity, Part 3: Son // Tom Field
February 27, 2022 - Tom FieldGod the Son, second person of the Trinity. He is fully God and yet stepped into time and human flesh on God's great rescue mission. And it's in this increidble demonstration of humility that we find a pattern for how we should treat one another.
Trinity, Part 2: Father // Jerram Watts
February 20, 2022 - Jerram WattsGod the Father, first person of the Trinity. Far from being a bearded old man riding far-off clouds, God is revealed as a heavenly Father which means he is deeply relational and has been working out His plan for humanity before time itself began.
Trinity, Part 1: God // Simon Gill
February 13, 2022 - Simon GillWe begin this series about God with a focus on Trinity - that God has revealed Himself as one God who eternally exists in three persons. Something totally unique in worldviews and central to what we believe as followers of Jesus. At the heart of this study is a desire for reverence. It's easy to become complacent or over-familiar but in reality, the more we gaze at God, the more we should find ourselves wowed in awestruck wonder.