Walking Free: Exodus
Having spent 400 years in slavery being shaped as a nation, the moment comes where God calls his people to walk free; to walk out of slavery so that they may live lives of worship. It’s a picture of Jesus and the church - we’ve been freed from slavery to sin that we might worship God.
Walking Free, Part 10: Learning To Fight // Simon Gill
December 09, 2018 - Simon GillHow can lifting our hands in prayer and worship, having a community come alongside us, and seeing God revealed as our banner help us learn how to fight battles in our lives? Join us as we explore Exodus 17:8-16 and discover practical insights on winning battles through God's strength and guidance.
Walking Free, Part 10: Learning To Fight // Josh Isaac
December 09, 2018 - Josh IsaacHow can lifting our hands in prayer and worship, having a community come alongside us, and seeing God revealed as our banner help us learn how to fight battles in our lives? Join us as we explore Exodus 17:8-16 and discover practical insights on winning battles through God's strength and guidance.
Walking Free, Part 9: Learning To Trust // Jenny Gill
December 02, 2018 - Jenny GillAre you hungry for more than just physical food and thirsty for more than just water? We dive into Exodus 16-17:7 and discover how God meets every need with sufficient, constant, and even supernatural provision.
Walking Free, Part 9: Learning To Trust // Bruce Read
December 02, 2018 - Bruce ReadAre you hungry for more than just physical food and thirsty for more than just water? We dive into Exodus 16-17:7 and discover how God meets every need with sufficient, constant, and even supernatural provision.
Walking Free, Part 8: Songs of Moses & Miriam // Jamie Rodwell
November 18, 2018 - Jamie RodwellHave you ever considered how salvation leads to worship and why God calls His people to worship? Join us as we dive into Exodus 15 and explore how the Israelites celebrated the actions of God and rejoiced in His salvation.
Walking Free, Part 8: Songs of Moses & Miriam // Nick Field
November 18, 2018 - Nick FieldHave you ever considered how salvation leads to worship and why God calls His people to worship? Join us as we dive into Exodus 15 and explore how the Israelites celebrated the actions of God and rejoiced in His salvation.
Walking Free, Part 7: Crossing The Red Sea // Simon Gill
November 11, 2018 - Simon GillAre you struggling to break free from the chains of your past and pursue true freedom? Join us as we delve into Exodus 13-14 and discover how to leave our 'Egypt', worship freely, and boldly step out in faith.
Walking Free, Part 7: Crossing The Red Sea // Aidan Meerman
November 11, 2018 - Aidan MeermanAre you struggling to break free from the chains of your past and pursue true freedom? Join us as we delve into Exodus 13-14 and discover how to leave our 'Egypt', worship freely, and boldly step out in faith.
Walking Free, Part 6: The Passover // Sarah Field
November 04, 2018 - Sarah FieldJoin us as we dive into Exodus 11 - 12. We explore how the ancient ritual of Passover, where the Israelites were saved through the blood of a lamb, serves as a powerful reminder of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the birth of a new spiritual nation through His death.
Walking Free, Part 6: The Passover // Nick Field
November 04, 2018 - Nick FieldJoin us as we dive into Exodus 11 - 12. We explore how the ancient ritual of Passover, where the Israelites were saved through the blood of a lamb, serves as a powerful reminder of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the birth of a new spiritual nation through His death.
Walking Free, Part 5: Cosmic Battles On Egyptian Landscape // Simon Gill
October 28, 2018 - Nick FieldAre you curious to witness a cosmic battle between the one true God and the false gods of Egypt, where His power and authority are displayed through a series of plagues? Join us as we delve into Exodus 7-10 and discover how the great I AM reigns supreme over all.
Walking Free, Part 5: Cosmic Battles On Egyptian Landscape // Nick Field
October 28, 2018 - Nick FieldAre you curious to witness a cosmic battle between the one true God and the false gods of Egypt, where His power and authority are displayed through a series of plagues? Join us as we delve into Exodus 7-10 and discover how the great I AM reigns supreme over all.
Walking Free, Part 4: When Evil Tightens Its Grip // Simon Gill
October 21, 2018 - Simon GillAs Moses journeys back to Egypt, there’s a clear expectation of swift deliverance for Israel, and yet the reality is that the situation got far worse. Where’s God when our expectations are not met? What has God actually promised? God’s response is that they were about to see something brand new.
Walking Free, Part 4: When Evil Tightens Its Grip // Leon Bakker
October 21, 2018 - Leon BakkerAs Moses journeys back to Egypt, there’s a clear expectation of swift deliverance for Israel, and yet the reality is that the situation got far worse. Where’s God when our expectations are not met? What has God actually promised? God’s response is that they were about to see something brand new.
Walking Free, Part 3: God Who Makes Himself Known // Daniella Roche
October 14, 2018 - Daniella RocheAre you searching for hope in the midst of uncertainty and chaos? Join us in discovering the unchanging nature of God who sees our needs, breaks in to save us, and uses imperfect people to bring about his plans.
Walking Free, Part 3: God Who Makes Himself Known // Rochelle Jackson
October 14, 2018 - Rochelle JacksonAre you searching for hope in the midst of uncertainty and chaos? Join us in discovering the unchanging nature of God who sees our needs, breaks in to save us, and uses imperfect people to bring about his plans.
Walking Free, Part 2: The God Who Knows // Jenny Gill
October 07, 2018 - Jenny GillIn part 2 of Walking Free, Israel cries out to God in their slavery. But where is God? Attentive to their cry, He had already been preparing a deliverer—a man ready to lead them into freedom. Enter Moses…
Walking Free, Part 1: Doing Right In The Face Of Evil // Simon Gill
September 30, 2018 - Simon GillHaving spent 400 years in slavery being shaped as a nation, the moment comes when God calls his people to walk free and out of slavery so that they may live lives of worship. It’s a picture of Jesus and the church. We’ve been freed from slavery to sin so that we might worship God. In this first part, we discover that God doesn’t need favourable circumstances for his plans to prevail. But how should God’s people act when caught in the crossfire?
Walking Free, Part 1: Doing Right In The Face Of Evil // Nick Field
September 30, 2018 - Nick FieldHaving spent 400 years in slavery being shaped as a nation, the moment comes when God calls his people to walk free and out of slavery so that they may live lives of worship. It’s a picture of Jesus and the church. We’ve been freed from slavery to sin so that we might worship God. In this first part, we discover that God doesn’t need favourable circumstances for his plans to prevail. But how should God’s people act when caught in the crossfire?