The following are tools to help us build basic spiritual practices into our everyday lives. 



ACTS helps us to remember different things that we can include in our times of prayer whether on our own or with others.

Adoration: “Jesus, I love you, I adore you, you are perfect and beautiful and majestic, I worship you…”
Confession: “Father, forgive me. I am a sinner, I confess that today I have been impatient…”
Thanksgiving: “Lord, thank you for your blessings, thank you for food and friendship, your mercy…”
Supplication: “God in heaven, I need you to come through for me, please help me…”



SOAP helps us with reading the Bible and journaling in a way that drives us towards action. The letters can be used as sub-headings to guide this process.

Scripture: Read a passage of the Bible
Observation: What stands out to you?
Application: What does this mean for my life?
Prayer: What are you asking from God as a result of what you’re learning.



BLESS gives us five practices for how to live each day in a way that shows and shares the love of Jesus with people in our world who don’t know him yet. The goal is to do one of these practices each day.

Begin with Prayer: Lord, how do you want me to bless the people and places you send me to?
Listen: Listen to the stories, the pain, and the challenges of the people in your world who are far from God.
Eat: Share a meal or a coffee with someone in your world who is far from God to cultivate deeper relationship.
Serve: What are you learning about the ways you can serve those in your world who are far from God?
Story: When the time is right, share the stories of how Jesus has changed your life.