Week 4


Bible Reading

Daily readings from the last week:
Mark 15-Luke 5


  • What stood out to you from your daily readings over the last week? Any questions?

  • How did you go with what you said you’d do last week?


Mark 1:16-20

Have someone read the passage and use the SOAP method to explore the text:

  • S - Scripture (read scripture together)

  • O - Observe (what do we see? What does it make us think?)

  • A - Apply (what does this mean for my life?)

  • P - Pray (pray together)

Follow: Jesus’ call to the fishermen was an invitation which would change the course of the rest of their lives. To follow a rabbi meant to walk with, live with, eat with, drink with - BE WITH him all the time so that, in time, you can become like him and do what he did. This is the call to follow Jesus: be with him, become like him and do what he did. Notice that following Jesus for the fishermen meant giving up their lives, they left their former way of life in obedience to follow Jesus.


  • Today we continue to learn about four different aspects of prayer based on the acronym ACTS.

  • The third letter of ACTS is T which stands for Thanksgiving

In a world filled with a pull towards owning, earning and accomplishing more, it’s vital to be grateful for what we already have. Thankfulness leads us to acknowledge that every good thing in our lives—the big things and the little things—are a gift from God for which we can be thankful.

Take a few moments to think about three things that you’re grateful for. 


  • Take your three things you’re grateful for and turn them into a simple prayer of thanks. For example, “Lord, thank you for providing somewhere warm and dry to live, thank you for the time I got to spend with a friend yesterday, thank you for…”

  • Pray about the other things that have stood out to you today.

Next Steps

  • What could a daily habit of thanksgiving look like for you?

  • Who are you going to tell about what you’ve been learning?

  • Readings for the coming week: Luke 6-13

Andrea MullerFoundations