Get to know each other if needed.
Talk about how you came to faith in Jesus
Each time we get together, we’re going to spend time reflecting on how we’re going, discussing the Bible together, learning to do something new, and praying.
We’ll learn or revisit a practice each week to help you establish good habits of prayer, Bible reading, and helping others to discover Jesus too. This week we are learning a Bible reading tool called “SOAP” which we will use each week to talk through a few verses together.
Today we’re going to talk about…
Have someone read the passage, then use SOAP to discuss it:
S - Scripture (read scripture together)
O - Observe (what do we see? What does it make us think?)
A - Apply (what does this mean for my life?)
P - Pray (pray together)
Don’t Miss
Learn & Obey: A picture of discipleship that can be really helpful is that of an apprenticeship. The apprentice watches the master and tries to imitate them. The goal is that over time and with help, they can become just like the master. Discipleship is about becoming more like Jesus. This means we want to watch what he does, learn from his life and seek to imitate him. It’s about learning and obeying.
Spend time praying about what you’re learning.
Is there anything going on in your life that we can pray for together?