Week 6


Bible Reading

Daily readings from the last week:
Luke 14-20


  • What stood out to you from your daily readings over the last week? Any questions?

  • How did you go with what you said you’d do last week?


Mark 2:1-12

Have someone read the passage and use the SOAP method to explore the text:

  • S - Scripture (read scripture together)

  • O - Observe (what do we see? What does it make us think?)

  • A - Apply (what does this mean for my life?)

  • P - Pray (pray together)

Don’t Miss
Authority to Forgive: Jesus performs another healing miracle, but not before he does something else. Consider the man lowered through the roof, Jesus tells him his sins are forgiven. The man might have thought, ‘um, thanks, but can you see I’m paralysed? That’s my greatest need’. Jesus is demonstrating that physical healing isn’t the man’s greatest need: spiritual healing is. But then to prove to the religious leaders that he has authority to forgive sins, he heals the man too. Isn’t Jesus brilliant? Our greatest need isn’t physical relief, it’s forgiveness for sins, and only Jesus has the authority to do it - because he is God!


This week we want to take some time to explore forgiveness. In order to do that we will go back to the C of the ACTS prayer tool - Confession. 

  • How have you been going with the confession aspect of prayer? What’s going well? What questions do you have?


  • Are you having any trouble believing that God has forgiven you completely? If so, consider talking and praying through 1 John 1:9.

  • Pray about the other things that have stood out to you today.

Next Steps

  • Is there anyone you feel you need to make things right with and either extend forgiveness to, or ask for it from? What’s a step towards reconciliation you could take here?

  • Who are you going to tell about what you’ve been learning?

  • Readings for the coming week: Luke 21-John 4

Andrea MullerFoundations