Week 9
Bible Reading
Daily readings from the last week:
John 12-18
What stood out to you from your daily readings over the last week? Any questions?
How did you go with what you said you’d do last week?
Have someone read the passage and use the SOAP method to explore the text:
S - Scripture (read scripture together)
O - Observe (what do we see? What does it make us think?)
A - Apply (what does this mean for my life?)
P - Pray (pray together)
Multiplication: Jesus is God in the flesh. He could have accomplished his salvation mission by himself at the click of his fingers. But in his sovereignty, he decided not to. He chose to partner with us. Here Jesus begins his method of multiplication; he chooses 12 men to be with him so he can show them how to do what he had been doing. These men (spoiler: minus Judas) will then continue Jesus’ multiplication model, which continues to this day! This is part of what Jesus meant when he called Peter and Andrew, James and John to “fish for people”.
In the acronym BLESS which we’ve been learning, the E stands for Eat. Eating with others is one of the best ways to grow relationship. Food is a great connector of people. It’s over a meal that you have time, and a peaceful setting, to allow conversation to deepen and really get to know each other. Sometimes around the table people will open up in ways they otherwise wouldn’t have.
Who could you share a meal or a coffee with? Write down all the meal times you know you’ll have in the coming week. Which ones could be used to spending time with someone far from Jesus?
Pray that the Lord would help you as you invite someone to eat with you this week
Pray about the other things that have stood out to you today.
Next Steps
Which meal(s) of your coming week could you repurpose to be intentional about eating with someone far from Jesus?
Who are you going to tell about what you’ve been learning?
Daily readings for this week: John 19 - Acts 4