Persistent Prayer

I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Split Apple Rock (or at least Googled it) but it’s a marvel. A giant sphere of granite perched on rocks in the sea and split almost precisely in two. It makes for good photos and a great spot to jump into the ocean. But it’s a reminder of a principle in prayer because of this quote.

"I look at a stone cutter hammering away at a rock a hundred times without so much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the 101st blow it splits in two. I know it was not the one blow that did it, but all that had gone before." - Anon.

Jesus says something similar in a parable about an unjust judge and a persistent widow. He didn’t really care what she wanted but he gave in to her request because she bothered him again and again. Was it the first time she complained that worked or the final time? Or was it that she just kept going? Jesus taught the parable to show that God will bring about justice for people who cry out to him day and night (Luke 18:7).

I find this fascinating because Jesus assures us of answered prayer and at the same time he acknowledges that sometimes the answers take time. Our role is faithful persistence.

I give you this picture because we’re coming towards the end of a month of prayer. I’m amazed at the things we’re seeing God do from progress in outreach to healing to random things for which we’d never think to ask. I’m also hearing of people simply growing in their practice of prayer. But I’m also acknowledging that there are prayers we’ve prayed that still don’t seem to have been answered.

Can I encourage you that a no answer now doesn’t mean no forever. Can we take comfort in the fact that Jesus warned us this would happen and can we commit to keep praying even if nothing seems to change. Every prayer matters. Who knows when that 101st strike will come. You might even want to find a photo of Split Apple Rock and put it somewhere to remind you to not give up.

Much love,

This post is part of the Senior Pastor’s weekly blog. Go to the blog feed >>