THANK YOU from our CAP clients!

The Street Church partners with Christians Against Poverty to help people in Wellington get out of unmanageable debt, while at the same time sharing the life changing message of Jesus with them! Each year we as a church congregation donate food, vouchers and treats to make up Christmas hampers that get given to CAP clients around the Wellington region.

Merrie and the team would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who was involved in the Christmas hampers last year. We delivered over 150 of these amazing treat boxes to families and individuals in the greater Wellington area. We know these people were absolutely blown away by the generosity of our wonderful church family, who get behind this every year. So thank you all so much for your contributions; it was such a blessing!

Here is some of the feedback we received about our hampers last Christmas:

“I was chatting with a lady from our neighbourhood who with tears in her eyes was telling me about a hamper she received from a church that "made her Christmas". As she described what was in it I realised it was one of our hampers! She proudly showed me what she had bought herself for Christmas with the Warehouse voucher. She said there were some things in there she could wrap and give to her grandchildren too. It was so special getting to see with my own eyes the impact of these hampers.”

"I didn't realise I was going to get a Christmas hamper, aw I feel so blessed, thank you!!"

"Oh wow that's amazing ❤️❤️❤️ thank you so much!"

"Thank you for your email and for blessing my family with a hamper. It is very much appreciated so thank you and CAP for this gift!"

"What a wonderful surprise! Thank you so much for thinking of us!!"

If you would like to get involved with the Christians Against Poverty ministry at The Street, please get in touch with Merrie, our Missions & Outreach Pastor.