Brand New
It always feels so good to embrace something that is brand new, whether it be kicks or a new exercise book. We anticipate the opportunity to start over; to avoid the blemishes and mistakes that have dogged all previous kicks and exercise books. In this series, we'll be looking at what St Paul has to say about a new life in Christ from his prison-authored letter to Colossae.
Brand New, Part 4: Brand New In Christ // Aidan Meerman
January 21, 2018 - Aidan MeermanWe all love new things. Aidan rounds off our 'Brand New' series, exploring the transformational power of the gospel and our new identity in Christ. You are brand new in Christ!
Brand New, Part 3: Growing Up // Simon Gill
January 14, 2018 - Simon GillIn Colossians 3:16, Paul encourages the church to continue in their new life in Christ by growing up and maturing in their faith. As a community, we can support and encourage one another in this process. Simon helps us explore practical ways to throw off our old selves and put on our new selves, being renewed and growing together. Join us as we learn how to embrace our fresh start and continue being brand new in Christ.
Brand New, Part 2: A New Wardrobe // Nick Field
January 07, 2018 - Nick FieldWe’re going shopping! We will stand in the spiritual dressing room and allow Jesus to hand us things. What Jesus gives us helps us live a brand new life in Christ.
Brand New, Part 1: Clothed In Christ // Simon Gill
December 17, 2017 - Simon GillWe’re going on a spiritual trip to the tip! What are we to take off as we’re made Brand New in Christ? The apostle Paul encourages us to clothe ourselves with Christ and embrace our new identity in Him.