
Follow: Markers of a Disciple



The call of Jesus for every person is an invitation to follow; to learn, to change, to discover, to grow. In this series, we consider seven markers of a disciple. Seven areas where we can take proactive steps. And as we grow, we’ll be more prepared to help those around us too.

Follow, Part 8: Organic Outreach // Jenny Gill

June 23, 2019 - Jenny Gill

As we think about reaching the people of our city with the good news of Jesus, we all have a role to play. Every Jesus-follower has a story to tell and people in their world who need to hear it. So what steps can we take to grow in our outreach? Listen in to the final marker of a follower of Jesus - Organic Outreach.

Follow, Part 8: Organic Outreach
Jenny Gill (East)

Follow, Part 8: Organic Outreach // Nick & Sarah Field

June 23, 2019 - Nick Field,Sarah Field

As we think about reaching the people of our city with the good news of Jesus, we all have a role to play. Every Jesus-follower has a story to tell and people in their world who need to hear it. So what steps can we take to grow in our outreach? Listen in to the final marker of a follower of Jesus - Organic Outreach.

Follow, Part 8: Organic Outreach
Nick & Sarah Field (City)

Follow, Part 7: Worship & Prayer // Jamie Rodwell

June 16, 2019 - Jamie Rodwell

Have you ever stopped and thought about the fact that God is looking for worshippers? Not just singers of songs or people attending church but people pursuing relationship with him. Worship and prayer are key in the life of a Jesus-follower. This week we explore why and, just as importantly, how. But more important than all of these is the who - Jesus Christ.

Follow, Part 7: Worship & Prayer
Jamie Rodwell (East)

Follow, Part 7: Worship & Prayer // Josh Isaac

June 16, 2019 - Josh Isaac

Have you ever stopped and thought about the fact that God is looking for worshippers? Not just singers of songs or people attending church but people pursuing relationship with him. Worship and prayer are key in the life of a Jesus-follower. This week we explore why and, just as importantly, how. But more important than all of these is the who - Jesus Christ.

Follow, Part 7: Worship & Prayer
Josh Isaac (City)

Follow, Part 6: Joyful Generosity // Nick & Sarah Field

June 09, 2019 - Sarah Field,Nick Field

Generosity is often a concept we consider as it relates to others - those in need or those who will benefit from receiving what we give. But have you ever stopped to consider that maybe we need to be generous for our own sake? Could it be that the more generous we are, the more our world will grow?

Follow, Part 6: Joyful Generosity
Nick & Sarah Field (City)

Follow, Part 5: Humble Service // Simon Gill

June 02, 2019 - Simon Gill

The fifth marker of a disciple is humble service. Here we unpack Romans 12 to discover that every member of the church has a role to play and that God has uniquely gifted us to play our part. So what are gifts, how do we know what we’ve been given and where do we use them? Listen in to find out.

Follow, Part 5: Humble Service
Simon Gill (City)

Follow, Part 4: Consistent Community // Simon Gill

May 19, 2019 - Simon Gill

Acts 2 gives us the opportunity to imagine what it was like to be the early church, just days after 3,000 people have been baptised. As we imagine, we get to think about what it would take for us to apply that in the 21st century and ask God that as we do, maybe he would bring a daily increase to the people gathering with us.

Follow, Part 4: Consistent Community
Simon Gill (East)

Follow, Part 4: Consistent Community // Josh Isaac

May 19, 2019 - Josh Isaac

Acts 2 gives us the opportunity to imagine what it was like to be the early church, just days after 3,000 people have been baptised. As we imagine, we get to think about what it would take for us to apply that in the 21st century and ask God that as we do, maybe he would bring a daily increase to the people gathering with us.

Follow, Part 4: Consistent Community
Josh Isaac (City)

Follow, Part 3: Bible-Based Life // Sarah Field

May 12, 2019 - Sarah Field

Imagine a world where God hadn’t spoken at all; what would you know about him? The Bible is the clearest way for us to hear God - to understand him and to understand how we relate to him. In this episode, we explore the importance of Scripture in our lives and how to get more out of reading the Bible for yourself.

Follow, Part 3: Bible-Based Life
Sarah Field (City)

Follow, Part 2: Christ-Like Character // Simon Gill

May 05, 2019 - Simon Gill

The journey of following Jesus is not just about a transformation in words and actions, it is something much deeper. It’s a transformation of our inner being, more and more into the likeness of Jesus. For what this looks like and how it happens, listen in to episode 2 of Follow.

Follow, Part 2: Christ-Like Character
Simon Gill (East)

Follow, Part 2: Christ-Like Character // Nick Field

May 05, 2019 - Nick Field

The journey of following Jesus is not just about a transformation in words and actions, it is something much deeper. It’s a transformation of our inner being, more and more into the likeness of Jesus. For what this looks like and how it happens, listen in to episode 2 of Follow.

Follow, Part 2: Christ-Like Character
Nick Field (City)

Follow, Part 1: The 7 Markers Of A Disciple // Jenny Gill

April 28, 2019 - Jenny Gill

The call for the disciples was simple yet life-changing - Jesus called them to come and follow him. Today the call for every person is the same. So how are we doing? Are we growing as Jesus followers?

Follow, Part 1: The 7 Markers Of A Disciple
Jenny Gill (East)

Follow, Part 1: The 7 Markers Of A Disciple // Nick Field

April 28, 2019 - Nick Field

The call for the disciples was simple yet life-changing - Jesus called them to come and follow him. Today the call for every person is the same. So how are we doing? Are we growing as Jesus followers?

Follow, Part 1: The 7 Markers Of A Disciple
Nick Field (City)