Guest Speakers
Listen in to hear guests and friends of The Street share a timely message with us.
Just Say Yes // Simon & Jenny Gill
October 31, 2021 - Simon Gill,Jenny GillOur new Senior Pastors share some of their story of how they came to lead The Street. It's a story of saying yes to Jesus wherever, whenever, whatever. So where do you need to say yes to Jesus today?
Devotions: Matthew 5-7 // Natasha Polglase & Hunter Shearer
June 13, 2021 - Hunter Shearer,Natasha PolglaseThis week we hear from two different people as they teach from short passages from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount - the greatest sermon ever preached!
Devotions: Matthew 5-7 // Anil De Silva & Nicky Rees-Thomas
June 13, 2021 - Anil De Silva,Nicky Rees-ThomasThis week we hear from two different people as they teach from short passages from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount - the greatest sermon ever preached!
Unclear & Uncertain // Paul Windsor
September 06, 2020 - Paul WindsorWith elections, COVID and all that ripples out from them, things can seem unclear and uncertain. But, we can learn from John the Baptist, the one who prepared the way for Jesus, just as we are called to do.
Living With Jesus // Karl Martin
August 02, 2020 - Karl MartinAre you tired of just going through the motions and living a life that feels empty? Join us for a powerful sermon by guest speaker Karl Martin on John 12:1-8, where he challenges us to stop living for Jesus and start living with Jesus.
Change Your World // Adam Barr
July 26, 2020 - Adam BarrChange below the surface can change the world. At a time when so many people are acknowledging that something needs to change in our world, the discussion inevitably moves to how. How can lasting change come about? What does change for the better actually look like? Using the shortest parable ever recorded of Jesus, Adam shows us that the biggest and best changes start within.
Walking Through Exodus // Karl Martin
June 30, 2019 - Karl MartinThis week we welcome a special guest all the way from Edinburgh, Scotland. Karl Martin where he walks through Exodus 3. We will look at the difference between settling down and settling for, what the name of God does for us and the invitation and challenge of the call of God.
Creature Features // Paul Windsor
May 26, 2019 - Paul WindsorWhen the church is referred to as a body, we often think about local church gatherings. But could we be thinking too small? In this one-off message, Paul uses his experience of leading in other parts of the world to explore what our commitment to the global church should be.
Living Brave, Not Safe // Oscar Muriu
November 25, 2018 - Oscar MuriuOscar Muriu is the Senior Pastor of Nairobi Chapel in Kenya and oversees a church planting movement of around 200 churches. Oscar calls people to live a life totally submitted to Christ.
Living A Generous Life // Simon Gill
July 22, 2018 - Simon GillWhy would we want to freely and consistently give our stuff away? And if we did, what might happen?
Living A Generous Life // Nick Field
July 22, 2018 - Nick FieldWhy would we want to freely and consistently give our stuff away? And if we did, what might happen?