When times are uncertain, and events don’t match our expectations or understanding of how the world works, what do we do? Habakkuk is the record of one prophet’s wrestle about this with God. It’s a testament to honesty with God, seeking to submit our understanding to trust in Him in all circumstances.
We know little about Habakkuk other than what is revealed in the first two verses of the book. The ‘oracle’ will have been after Israel fell (to the Assyrians in 722 BC) and probably before Babylon first invaded Judah in 605 BC. Unlike most of the minor prophets, it does not contain messages for the prophet to proclaim to the nation, but instead is a dialogue with God, reminiscent of the book of Job.
Habakkuk, Part 3: Trusting God for the Future // Daniel Silvester
August 28, 2022 - Dan SilvesterHabakkuk ends with a psalm of praise even though the prophet is still waiting for the answer to his prayer. How can we draw on our experience of what God has done too? Not only our personal experience but on the experience demonstrated in scripture and the church through the ages to our community here at The Street. How do we create hopeful expectation of what God will do in future?
Habakkuk, Part 3: Trusting God for the Future // Matt Rowan
August 28, 2022 - Matt RowanHabakkuk ends with a psalm of praise even though the prophet is still waiting for the answer to his prayer. How can we draw on our experience of what God has done too? Not only our personal experience but on the experience demonstrated in scripture and the church through the ages to our community here at The Street. How do we create hopeful expectation of what God will do in future?
Habakkuk, Part 3: Trusting God for the Future // Oban Grobler
August 28, 2022 - Oban GroblerHabakkuk ends with a psalm of praise even though the prophet is still waiting for the answer to his prayer. How can we draw on our experience of what God has done too? Not only our personal experience but on the experience demonstrated in scripture and the church through the ages to our community here at The Street. How do we create hopeful expectation of what God will do in future?
Habakkuk, Part 3: Trusting God for the Future // Jerram Watts
August 28, 2022 - Jerram WattsHabakkuk ends with a psalm of praise even though the prophet is still waiting for the answer to his prayer. How can we draw on our experience of what God has done too? Not only our personal experience but on the experience demonstrated in scripture and the church through the ages to our community here at The Street. How do we create hopeful expectation of what God will do in future?
Habakkuk, Part 2: Trusting God's Timing // Simon Gill
August 21, 2022 - Simon GillThe deliverance Habakkuk hoped for was promised by God but not when Habakkuk wanted. So what does it look like to wait in faith because God doesn't move on our timetable?
Habakkuk, Part 1: Trusting God's Actions // Anna Field
August 14, 2022 - Anna FieldThis book is the journey of one prophet's wrestle with God. Habakkuk cried out in prayer against injustice. God's response is totally not what Habakkuk expected. Do we respond like devoted followers of Jesus when God doesn't do what we think he should?