Jesus: The Early Years
For many years, our mission statement has been “Helping People Become Total Followers of Jesus Christ.” It means we’ve been sent into the world like Jesus on a mission to help people discover Jesus and follow Jesus. It’s not something ‘the church’ does for us but something we as the church help one another pursue together. And if we are about becoming more like Jesus, it makes sense that we will need to spend time watching him at work and imitating his ways.
This series is a statement of intent. A first step into observing the life of Jesus together. And as they say, the beginning is a very good place to start. So here we go, let’s gaze at Jesus together in his very earliest years.
Jesus: The Early Years, Part 6: Simply Devoted // Jerram Watts
May 15, 2022 - Jerram WattsJesus goes from hero to hated in the eyes of the people as he effectively claims to be Israel's long awaited Messiah. Jesus life and works testify to the truth of what he claims here and in doing so gives some priorities for those seeking to become more like him.
Jesus: The Early Years, Part 5: Temptation // Daniella Roche
May 08, 2022 - Daniella RocheHaving clarified the identity of Jesus, it is immediately called into question as Jesus enters a time of testing by the devil in the wilderness. So what do we learn from Jesus that will help us trust God in the midst of significant pressure to doubt.
Jesus: The Early Years, Part 4: Identity // Simon Gill
April 24, 2022 - Simon GillBefore he'd preached a single word or healed a solitary person, Jesus hears the affirmation of His heavenly Father. In a world where we so often find our identity in what we do or achieve, Jesus models for us an entirely different approach. So who do you say you are?
Jesus: The Early Years, Part 3: Repentance // Jenny Gill
April 10, 2022 - Jenny GillJohn The Baptist arrives on the scene calling people to turn their lives around by stopping the wrong and pursuing what is right. While this could sound like mere religion, we discover the coming of the Holy Spirit and the one who empowers us to live in a brand new way.
Jesus: The Early Years, Part 2: Learning // Anna Field
April 03, 2022 - Anna FieldIt is staggering to think that the one who spoke creation into being came to earth as a baby knowing nothing. But in his early years we notice practices and habits that helped him learn and grow. Can we see in the life of Jesus things to help us learn and grow too?
Jesus: The Early Years, Part 1: Humility // Jerram Watts
March 27, 2022 - Jerram WattsJesus Christ, though fully God, began his human life in a family too poor for the usual offering. But even in these early days of his life, there were glimpses of His glory. What will stand out most to you as we gaze at Jesus together?