ONE Conference 2019
Two years ago, we stood at the edge of the vision the Lord was calling us to — something we believe He is calling our generation to.
Last year, we were encouraged by the call on Joshua to be strong and courageous, as we crossed over from one location to two; to be strong and very courageous as we follow the Lord as He leads us to reach thousands of people in Wellington with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This year, we come together again at One Conference. We join together to encounter God, and to commission one another into all that He will do in us and through us.
And we will continue to come together on one day every year to celebrate as one, pray as one, to be equipped as one to reach the one percent.
ONE Conference 2019, Part 3: Wonder Power // Doug Pollock
April 07, 2019 - Doug PollockIf the people in your life are not ready for the answers you'd like to share with them maybe you would be wiser to ask questions instead. We are often one great question away from a significant spiritual conversation but we'll never know unless we ask.
When we unleash our God-given inquisitiveness (wonder) coupled with spirit-filled dialogue we jumpstart the sacred process of asking, seeking, and knocking. "Wonder Power" is the back-door into peoples hearts when the front door is heavily guarded. It helps us start authentic spiritual conversations because . . . everybody wonders.
ONE Conference 2019, Part 2: Listening // Doug Pollock
April 07, 2019 - Doug PollockMany people today are looking for someone to just listen to them for heaven's sake. Unfortunately, Christians are often talking when we should be listening. If we want to be heard we must be more intentional about being quick to listen and slow to speak (James 1:19).
We will take a listening test to help us reflect on how we are doing at listening to others followed by an opportunity to put this into practice.
ONE Conference 2019, Part 1: God Space // Doug Pollock
April 07, 2019 - Doug PollockHow do we start natural spiritual conversations with family, friends, neighbours, and co-workers? How can we increase the quantity and the quality of our spiritual conversations in practical, doable, and authentic ways?
In this intro to God Space, we will take the "Jesus Test" to help us reflect on how we are doing at following the Jesus of the Bible. The journey outward has to start inward! Why? Because our heart attitudes are the heart of the matter to God. He wants to do something in us because He wants to something through us.