Scattered: Acts Part II
Our Acts Part I series focused on the first days and steps of the newborn church. We looked at how it felt to see the Spirit descend and a brand new mission emerge through the proclamation that the crucified Jesus was raised to life again.
In this series, we’ll focus on what came next: persecution and the scattering of the disciples around the region to fulfill the Great Commission; the mission Jesus left the disciples—and us—in Acts 1:8. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts: Scattered, Part 11: Scattered to Pray // Rochelle Jackson
July 09, 2024 - Rochelle JacksonOswald Chambers once said, “Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” This is especially true in situations where we see little or no hope. But this is God's space—when He has to show up. And when Peter is locked up and facing an uncertain future, the church gets on its knees and prays. The results? Supernatural. That's the power of prayer.
Acts: Scattered, Part 11: Scattered to Pray // Jenny Gill
July 07, 2024 - Jenny GillOswald Chambers once said, “Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” This is especially true in situations where we see little or no hope. But this is God's space—when He has to show up. And when Peter is locked up and facing an uncertain future, the church gets on its knees and prays. The results? Supernatural. That's the power of prayer.
Acts: Scattered, Part 10: Scattered to Encourage // Emily Daly
June 30, 2024 - Emily DalyWho doesn't love a good bit of encouragement? It can make a huge difference in a difficult situation and empower people to press on even in difficult circumstances. Being an encourager takes effort—it's often easier to tear down than build-up, but this is what Barnabas embodies—a builder and encourager! We can learn much from Barnabas.
Acts: Scattered, Part 10: Scattered to Encourage // Simon Gill
June 30, 2024 - Simon GillWho doesn't love a good bit of encouragement? It can make a huge difference in a difficult situation and empower people to press on even in difficult circumstances. Being an encourager takes effort—it's often easier to tear down than build-up, but this is what Barnabas embodies—a builder and encourager! We can learn much from Barnabas.
Acts: Scattered, Part 10: Scattered to Encourage // Jerram Watts
June 30, 2024 - Jerram WattsWho doesn't love a good bit of encouragement? It can make a huge difference in a difficult situation and empower people to press on even in difficult circumstances. Being an encourager takes effort—it's often easier to tear down than build-up, but this is what Barnabas embodies—a builder and encourager! We can learn much from Barnabas.
Acts: Scattered, Part 9: Scattered to Obey // Melissa Rowan
June 16, 2024 - Melissa RowanPeter is criticised for eating with a Gentile but explains to the apostles the vision God gave him. Peter was obedient even when he didn't fully understand what God was up to. That's true devotion in action.
Acts: Scattered, Part 8: Scattered for 'Them' // Aidan Meerman
June 09, 2024 - Aidan MeermanThe gospel has spread beyond Jerusalem, but the Jewish believers are still reluctant to mingle with Gentiles. Then Peter has an encounter with God, who breaks down ancient barriers to thrust the gospel into new territory. God is on the move.
Acts: Scattered, Part 7: Scattered to Heal // Anna Holmes
June 02, 2024 - Anna HolmesMiracles aren't ends in themselves—they always point people to the King. As followers of Jesus, we're given the Holy Spirit to help bring the Kingdom of God to earth—but do we live like we have that power?
Acts: Scattered, Part 7: Scattered to Heal // Jenny Gill
June 02, 2024 - Jenny GillMiracles aren't ends in themselves—they always point people to the King. As followers of Jesus, we're given the Holy Spirit to help bring the Kingdom of God to earth—but do we live like we have that power?
Acts: Scattered, Part 6: Scattered to Strengthen // Simon Gill
May 26, 2024 - Simon GillWhen all seems lost, God turns things around. Saul attacked the church, but now he is baffling people with his powerful gospel proclamation! God is the one who turns lost causes into embodied hope—and he can do it in your life.
Acts: Scattered, Part 6: Scattered to Strengthen // Matt Rowan
May 26, 2024 - Matt RowanWhen all seems lost, God turns things around. Saul attacked the church, but now he is baffling people with his powerful gospel proclamation! God is the one who turns lost causes into embodied hope—and he can do it in your life.
Acts: Scattered, Part 5: Scattered for the Unlikely // Jerram Watts
May 19, 2024 - Jerram WattsSaul is on a murderous mission to destroy the church, but an encounter with the risen Lord Jesus changes his life forever. He was the most unlikely of converts who became the early church's strongest voice. Who are the people in your who you think would never respond to the gospel? Who do you know that seems the most unlikely to follow Jesus? All they need is to meet him.
Acts: Scattered, Part 4: Scattered for the One // Jamie Rodwell
May 12, 2024 - Jamie RodwellFrom preaching to the crowds in Samaria, to sharing with one man on his way home from Jerusalem, Philip shows that devotion to Jesus proves itself in the big things and little things.
Acts: Scattered, Part 3: Scattered to Proclaim // Jerram Watts
April 28, 2024 - Jerram WattsWherever followers of Jesus go, we have a message to proclaim—that believing in Jesus Christ is the only way to be forgiven for your sins and given a new life. It's the only message we have, and we must share it!
Acts: Scattered, Part 2: The God Who Scatters // Simon Gill
April 14, 2024 - Simon GillStephen was filled with the Holy Spirit and this brought hostility from the religious Jews, which ultimately led to his martyrdom. But God is at work in the horror of this event; he uses this to send the disciples beyond Jerusalem to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Acts: Scattered, Part 1: Set Apart to Scatter // Jenny Gill
April 07, 2024 - Jenny GillAs we begin part two of our Acts series, we move from looking at how the Holy Spirit empowered the early church to how the early church was scattered throughout Israel and the surrounding areas with the good news of Jesus Christ. We start by focusing on how being filled with the Spirit sets us apart, but sometimes this brings opposition.