
Stand Firm



The letter of 2 Thessalonians was sent to the church in Greece very shortly after Paul’s first letter. Not only are they suffering for their faith and need some encouragement, but they are now anxious and distressed that they are now experiencing the end of the world. We hear similar fears expressed about the future today. Where is all this heading? What is going to happen to Planet Earth? How can I know that everything is going to be okay? Anxiety about where things are heading plagues our people.

For followers of Jesus, how we view what will happen in the future, and how this story ends, has a huge impact on how we live now. God doesn’t want his children to have apocalyptic anxiety - but a Christ-centred hope that he has written the end, and says because of this we can stand firm.

Stand Firm, Part 4: Perspective for the Idle // Dan Lamb

August 11, 2024 - Dan Lamb

Following Jesus isn't simply believing the right things; it's living the right way. After laying out solid theology for the Thessalonians, Paul turns his attention to practical living and warns the church against laziness and being unproductive.

Stand Firm, Part 4: Perspective for the Idle // Jerram Watts

August 11, 2024 - Jerram Watts

Following Jesus isn't simply believing the right things; it's living the right way. After laying out solid theology for the Thessalonians, Paul turns his attention to practical living and warns the church against laziness and being unproductive.

Stand Firm, Part 3: Strength for the Shaken // Jenny Gill

August 04, 2024 - Jenny Gill

When your world or theology is shaken, it can be an unsettling experience. In those moments, how do we recalibrate? Paul reminds the Thessalonians of truth they can hold fast to, truth they can stand firm on through any and every season.

Stand Firm, Part 2: Truth for the Misled // Aidan Meerman

July 28, 2024 - Aidan Meerman

Alongside suffering for their faith, the Thessalonian churches were anxious that they had somehow missed Jesus' second coming. Paul seeks to assure and calm them that they hadn't missed it and that God was in control of the timeline of history, so Paul lays out some key markers along the way.

Stand Firm, Part 1: Encouragement for the Persecuted // Simon Gill

July 21, 2024 - Simon Gill

The Thessalonian churches were in turmoil. They were being persecuted for their faith and struggling to stand up under the weight of the injustice. Paul writes this letter to encourage them to stand firm and look forward to the sure hope of their Lord and Saviour returning to bring justice on the earth.