The Coming King
The king is coming! But a king is not something we usually feel like we’re missing. So what’s so special about this king and why is he someone worth celebrating. In this series we’ll have a look at some Old Testament prophets who speak of a king like no other. The one our souls truly long for and one our world truly needs. Join us in the build up to Christmas as we get ready to celebrate The Coming King.
The Coming King, Part 3: Christmas Fit For A King
December 12, 2021 -Enjoy our Christmas production celebrating Jesus, the King of all Kings, coming to earth as a baby. But Jesus is not the kind of King you might expect.
The Coming King, Part 2: The Shepherd King // James Rees-Thomas
December 05, 2021 - James Rees-ThomasThe idea of giving control to someone else can be hard unless you trust them completely. It may give us mixed feelings about the idea of a coming king. What can we glean from the idea of a shepherd that means we can look forward to the future reign of one who will stand and powerfully shepherd the flock?
The Coming King, Part 1: Prince Of Peace // Bruce Read
November 28, 2021 - Bruce ReadDeep distress turns to great joy at the annoucement of the birth of a child whose names will include Prince of Peace. In a world with so much evidence that things are not the way they should be, Isaiah tells us that there's a coming king whose rule will undo the brokenness forever.