The Great Gift
Christmas is a moment where we remember the greatest and most expensive gift ever given. That Jesus Christ, fully God, laid aside his glory and became human, lived the life we should have lived and died the death we deserved on our behalf. God’s call for us to love others is a reflection of his great love for us. His call to be generous is an overflow of his generosity to others.
This year in the lead up to Christmas we are looking at the four themes of Advent: Hope, Peace, Love and Joy
Throughout this series you can also follow along with short devotional videos made by people in our community here.
The Great Gift, Part 5: Joy (A Poem) // Jerram Watts
December 25, 2022 - Jerram Watts"Joy to the world, the Lord is come" is a carol everyone knows. But what do we mean when we sing of this ‘joy’? In a world where there are so many reasons to be despondent - so many reasons for a lack of joy - this Christmas, we focus on the source of our joy and how it can sustain us. Jerram Watts presents our Christmas Day message: Joy — A Poem.
The Great Gift, Part 4: Joy // Dave Elkin
December 18, 2022 - Dave ElkinWe're in part four of our Christmas series: The Great Gift. Our theme for today is joy. Dave explores how we can have joy despite our circumstances.
The Great Gift, Part 3: Love // Anna Field
December 11, 2022 - Anna FieldThe Bible has a lot to say about love! It undergirds the entire Biblical narrative. In our message today, Jenny will help us reflect on God's love and what that means for us today. Join us for part three of our Christmas series, The Great Gift (it's Jesus!).
The Great Gift, Part 3: Love // Oban Grobler
December 11, 2022 - Oban GroblerThe Bible has a lot to say about love! It undergirds the entire Biblical narrative. In our message today, Jenny will help us reflect on God's love and what that means for us today. Join us for part three of our Christmas series, The Great Gift (it's Jesus!).
The Great Gift, Part 3: Love // Jenny Gill
December 11, 2022 - Jenny GillThe Bible has a lot to say about love! It undergirds the entire Biblical narrative. In our message today, Jenny will help us reflect on God's love and what that means for us today. Join us for part three of our Christmas series, The Great Gift (it's Jesus!).
The Great Gift, Part 2: Peace // Floyd Edwards
December 04, 2022 - Floyd EdwardsWhen your Family gathers, does it feel like it is in anticipation of World War Three, for a celebration, or possibly both? Too often in our relationship, we experience conflict and brokenness, not the unity we were designed for. This week we explore the gift of God, the Prince of Peace, given for today and the future.
The Great Gift, Part 2: Peace // Simon Gill
December 04, 2022 - Simon GillWhen your family gathers, does it feel like it is in anticipation of World War Three, for a celebration, or possibly both? Too often in our relationship, we experience conflict and brokenness, not the unity we were designed for. This week we explore the gift of God, the Prince of Peace, given for today and the future.
The Great Gift, Part 2: Peace // Jamie Rodwell
December 04, 2022 - Jamie RodwellWhen your family gathers, does it feel like it is in anticipation of World War Three, for a celebration, or possibly both? Too often in our relationship, we experience conflict and brokenness, not the unity we were designed for. This week we explore the gift of God, the Prince of Peace, given for today and the future.
The Great Gift, Part 1: Hope // Matt Rowan
November 27, 2022 - Matt RowanAt times like Christmas, the anticipation of what we hope for can feel amazing. At other times, the experiences we have and the troubles we encounter make us feel like our circumstances are hopeless. Today we explore the depth of God's preparation and the hope he has given us through Jesus' coming, God-with-us, Emmanuel.
The Great Gift, Part 1: Hope // Matt Swank
November 27, 2022 - Matt SwankAt times like Christmas, the anticipation of what we hope for can feel amazing. At other times, the experiences we have and the troubles we encounter make us feel like our circumstances are hopeless. Today we explore the depth of God's preparation and the hope he has given us through Jesus' coming, God-with-us, Emmanuel.
The Great Gift, Part 1: Hope // Rochelle Jackson
November 27, 2022 - Rochelle JacksonAt times like Christmas, the anticipation of what we hope for can feel amazing. At other times, the experiences we have and the troubles we encounter make us feel like our circumstances are hopeless. Today we explore the depth of God's preparation and the hope he has given us through Jesus' coming, God-with-us, Emmanuel.