Trial By Fire
Our world is addicted to comfort and allergic to suffering. We run after what feels good, making emotions the litmus test for right and wrong and making anything that hurts or appears difficult something to be eliminated rather than worked through. Resilience is lacking, anxiety permeates our culture, and it has infected the church, making us unprepared to cope with suffering and persecution. And we must be prepared. Blind optimism is insufficient in the face of suffering; we must have something solid on which to stand, something to put our hope in when all hope seems lost - and we do. His name is Jesus.
Trial By Fire, Part 8: Holiness And Endurance // Floyd Edwards
August 20, 2023 - Floyd EdwardsAs Peter closes his letter, he calls for Godly leadership, humility and alertness. Above all, God will take us through it all by grace. It’s grace that enables us to stand firm to the end. How are you standing firm today?
Trial By Fire, Part 8: Holiness And Endurance // Rochelle Jackson
August 20, 2023 - Rochelle JacksonAs Peter closes his letter, he calls for Godly leadership, humility and alertness. Above all, God will take us through it all by grace. It’s grace that enables us to stand firm to the end. How are you standing firm today?
Trial By Fire, Part 7: The Joy Of Suffering For The Name // Matt Rowan
August 13, 2023 - Matt RowanPeter returns to the subject that suffering and persecution can be purposeful and praiseworthy. How distinctive is that!? In the midst of it all, what is our good God calling you to do?
Trial By Fire, Part 7: The Joy Of Suffering For The Name // Oban Grobler
August 13, 2023 - Oban GroblerPeter returns to the subject that suffering and persecution can be purposeful and praiseworthy. How distinctive is that!? In the midst of it all, what is our good God calling you to do?
Trial By Fire, Part 7: The Joy Of Suffering For The Name // Aidan Meerman
August 13, 2023 - Aidan MeermanPeter returns to the subject that suffering and persecution can be purposeful and praiseworthy. How distinctive is that!? In the midst of it all, what is our good God calling you to do?
Trial By Fire, Part 6: Living With An Eternal Perspective // Jamie Rodwell
August 06, 2023 - Jamie RodwellWith God's future justice in mind, Peter urges the Christians to live lives of holiness and be a community that loves one another deeply. What is the way God is urging you to love and serve the Christian community you are a part of?
Trial By Fire, Part 6: Living With An Eternal Perspective // Dan Silvester
August 06, 2023 - Dan SilvesterWith God's future justice in mind, Peter urges the Christians to live lives of holiness and be a community that loves one another deeply. What is the way God is urging you to love and serve the Christian community you are a part of?
Trial By Fire, Part 5: Living With Christ As Lord // Matt Swank
July 30, 2023 - Matt SwankFar from being destructive, Peter teaches that persecution can actually be a blessing and an opportunity for our lives to be a witness to the hope we have in Christ. To what extent are our lives demonstrating to people the hope that we have?
Trial By Fire, Part 5: Living With Christ As Lord // Ryan Wilson
July 30, 2023 - Ryan WilsonFar from being destructive, Peter teaches that persecution can actually be a blessing and an opportunity for our lives to be a witness to the hope we have in Christ. To what extent are our lives demonstrating to people the hope that we have?
Trial By Fire, Part 5: Living With Christ As Lord // Jenny Gill
July 30, 2023 - Jenny GillFar from being destructive, Peter teaches that persecution can actually be a blessing and an opportunity for our lives to be a witness to the hope we have in Christ. To what extent are our lives demonstrating to people the hope that we have?
Trial By Fire, Part 4: Living As God’s People: At Home and Public // Dave Elkin
July 23, 2023 - Dave ElkinLiving as spiritual foreigners will lead to some distinctive ways we approach our lives. Peter delves into a concept we hear very little about... following the example of Jesus in a right submission. What is the posture of submission God is challenging you in today?
Trial By Fire, Part 4: Living As God’s People: At Home and Public // Simon Gill
July 23, 2023 - Simon GillLiving as spiritual foreigners will lead to some distinctive ways we approach our lives. Peter delves into a concept we hear very little about... following the example of Jesus in a right submission. What is the posture of submission God is challenging you in today?
Trial By Fire, Part 3: Living As God's People // Matt Swank
July 16, 2023 - Matt SwankLiving like spiritual foreigners can feel pretty lonely, and yet Peter reminds the church of the privilege that we're living stones like Jesus. Precious to God and being built together as a place where God dwells. Who are the 'living stones' you're connected to?
Trial By Fire, Part 2: Holiness and Hope // Jerram Watts
July 02, 2023 - Jerram Watts
Living as spiritual foreigners, these suffering Christians are to live distinctive and holy lives, setting their hope on final salvation. What does it look like to live in obedience to the word in your life?
Trial By Fire, Part 2: Holiness and Hope // Oban Grobler
July 02, 2023 - Oban Grobler
Living as spiritual foreigners, these suffering Christians are to live distinctive and holy lives, setting their hope on final salvation. What does it look like to live in obedience to the word in your life?
Trial By Fire, Part 1: The Joy of Salvation // Jenny Gill
June 25, 2023 - Jenny Gill
Peter is writing to Christians who are scattered around and suffering for their faith. Peter reminds them of the great salvation they have believed and the hope this should give them. What is most encouraging for you in this?